“Your hair has changed back. I prefer it like this.” I can feel him staring at me as I settle into my chair, but I try not to look at him, focusing instead on the impressive spread of food on the table. I had noticed this morning that my straight black hair had replaced the curling golden locks from last night, which just confirms that today is going to be different. I was glad to see my own hair back, I don’t recognise myself with blonde hair, but I have to admit it was nice to fit in. My dark hair is just another reason I stand out. A bitter smell fills the room, and I try to discreetly sniff the air as I realise that it’s coming from Grayson’s cup.

“It’s coffee,” he says with a chuckle, catching me, his gaze intense as I give him a small half smile. “Would you like some?”

Shaking my head, I pull my hands into my lap, fiddling with the cuffs of my dress, nerves plaguing me as I look at the food laid out on the table.

“Help yourself,” he instructs, taking a pastry from a tiered serving stand. I can feel his eyes on me as I try to decide what to have. I have no idea what any of it is, and I don’t want to ask, not after how he was last night. But he seems different this morning. Seeing some slices of bread, I reach forward and take a piece, putting it on my plate and breaking it up into small pieces, eating one segment at a time. Seeing a glass of water at my side I reach for it and peer into the crystal clear liquid. I’ve never seenit so clear before. Lifting the glass to my lips, I take a sip and pull away in amazement. I don’t know what they’ve put in the water, but it tastes crisp and fresh, sweet even. The water that we drink is the same water that the horses drink and it’s always flecked with dirt. I suspect many deaths were caused by that unsanitary water.

“You’re quiet this morning.”

Dropping the piece of bread I was fiddling with, I look up at the magician, biting my lip as I try to figure out what to say. That I’m worried he’s mad at me? That I don’t know what anything on that table is and my stomach is cramping at seeing so much food? That I’m worried about the priests? I haven’t forgotten that I have to work with them, and the change of my hair only confirms that this will start today.

“What happened last night? You said you needed to check something.” I don’t know if my fear made me bold, but something in my gut tells me that I need to know the answer, that this is important.

Sighing, Grayson puts down his cup of coffee and rubs at his face with his hands. “I had to talk with the other High Magicians.” Leaving my half-finished breakfast on the plate, I finally look up and meet his gaze. “About you.”

My throat constricts painfully, and I have to reach forward and take a gulp of water before I can ask the burning question. “What did they say?”

“We’ve never had anyone react to a blessing like you did. You can feel magic, so you shouldhavemagic, yet you don’t.” Leaning back in his chair, he runs his eyes over me like I’m a puzzle he can’t figure out. “However, those who are blessed sometimes gain gifts. We think this might be your gift from the Mother.” Blinking, I look down at the place on my arm where my Goddess mark is hidden by my sleeve, my whole body tingling as if just talking about it makes it react. I’ve never heard of peoplegaining gifts at blessings before, other than magic of course, but I’ve never attended or spoken to anyone who’s been through one, so there is probably much I don’t know. His explanation doesn’t quite add up, as I’ve always been able to feel magic, it’s just more pronounced since the blessing, but I keep that to myself. Thinking over what I know so far, and what Grayson’s just told me, I tilt my head to one side as a thought comes to me.

“So, I’m like a magic detector?”

A bark of laughter has me looking up in time to see Grayson smiling at me, something I haven’t seen since the blessing yesterday. “Something like that.”

Ignoring the fact that Grayson’s smile makes my insides feel all tingly, I reach for another piece of my bread, not really hungry but just wanting something to play with. “You appeared mad when you got back.”

His sigh seems to fill the room and he scrubs at his face again, wincing as if what he’s about to say is causing him pain. “I tried to get you out of the deal with the priests.” Dropping my mangled breakfast, I look up quickly but dread builds as I see his frustrated expression. “Don’t look at me like that, I haven’t even told you what I’m going to say yet,” he snaps, and I’m quickly reminded who I’m talking to as his magic seems to flare around him. Dropping my head, I stare at my plate, feeling his magic recede and seemingly get reabsorbed as he sighs again. “Clarissa, I’m sorry. I’m just frustrated. I rescued you from slavery, but the priests just won’t let you go,” he explains, and I can hear the regret in his voice, knowing that he’s sorry for snapping at me. Tentatively, I glance back up at him.

“They refused and demanded that you start today. I don’t know what they will have you doing, but if they harm you in any way...” His whole face darkens and my fear spikes as his magic rolls out of him once again, but it feels different than the last times I’ve felt it. It feels dark, malevolent. The force of it seems togrow, getting stronger as it comes closer to me, and I realise in a panic that it’s going to engulf me.

I squeeze my eyes shut as I wait for it to hit, but after a few seconds, I open my eyes in confusion. I can feel the magic, it’s hovering just inches from me, but it feels different. Slowly lifting my hand, I reach out into the magic. Grayson watches me with interest, and I know I’d probably look odd to a non-magic user, reaching out into nothing. It’s not something I can see, but I can feel it, like a shield around me. My fingers touch it, and it seems to change yet again, twisting around my hand and enveloping me in a cocoon of warmth. The magic doesn’t feel malevolent anymore, but there is an undercurrent, like it could switch at any moment.

“I’ve never seen my magic react that way around someone.” Confusion laces his words, but his face is blank. Embarrassed, I pull my hand back as silence fills the space between us. I have no response for him, I don’t understand magic and have no idea why it’s different around me.

“Is that all you’re going to eat?” Grayson raises an eyebrow at me, disapproval coating his words.

“I’ve already eaten more this morning than I would eat in a day.” I don’t bother to explain that my stomach is already cramping. The sweet pastries are calling to me, but I know that eating too much rich food will just make me sick. Jayne comes into the room as I speak and starts clearing away our plates, shaking her head in disgust.

“We need to start increasing your diet, you’re all skin and bones. I should have thought of that already.” She rolls her eyes at herself as she continues to stack up our plates. “But we’ll do it slowly, no rich foods. We’ll start with soups, bread, fruits, and then go from there.” Arms laden with plates and trays, she smiles at me as she leaves the chamber. The urge to jump upand help fills me, and I push back my chair to do just that, but Grayson clears his throat and I return my attention to him.

“When I arrived at the ball, you were dancing with Prince Jacob.” His tone is light, like he doesn’t care about the answer either way, but I can tell from the small tightening around his eyes that he does. It isn’t really a question, but I nod anyway. “You should be careful around him. Around all the royals.”

I know this already, they were the ones that sentenced me, after all, not to mention that they’re the rulers of this kingdom who deserve a certain amount of respect if you wish to keep your life. However, I suspect there is a different reason that Grayson wants me to stay away from them. “Why?”

Shaking his head, Grayson pushes up from the table and straightens out his uniform and changes the subject. “We need to go. The priests are expecting you.”

Swallowing down my fear, I push away from the table and follow Grayson out of his rooms and towards the chapel.

I can feel myself shrinking the closer we get to the sanctuary. I try to stand tall like Grayson, but the weight of uncertainty makes it impossible, my head dropping as I take slow, careful steps. Last night, when I had my blonde hair and I was dressed like a lady, I almost felt like one. It was my armour, protecting me, and without it I feel like the broken slave girl that I am.

Realising I’m trailing behind, Grayson turns, a question on his lips before he takes in my appearance, and a frown mars his blank mask he wears outside of his rooms. Striding over to me, he backs me against the wall, his broad body and cloak hiding me from anyone that happens to be walking through this part of the castle.

“I won’t let him harm you, he won’t lay a hand on you.” I flinch away at his harsh tone, even though it’s not aimed at me.“He won’t make it pleasant, but he can’t physically hurt you.” His magic flares around me as if in confirmation. Reaching out, he gently touches my chin, bringing my head up so I meet his eyes. “Stop this, don’t let that bastard strip away everything you’re starting to become.”

He’s right.Taking a deep, shaking breath, I nod in agreement. This improved me, Clarissa, might be new, but I already feel different. I never would have dreamed of walking amongst royalty, or meeting Wilson, the sweet magician who kept me safe at the ball. Not to mention the new, blooming friendship with a high magician.

Pushing away from the wall, I blush as I realise how close I am to Grayson, but thankfully he takes a step back, allowing me to brush down my clothes anxiously. He stays silent as I sort through my thoughts before I nod once more. “I’m ready.”

He assesses me with a blank expression then returns my nod and gestures for me to start walking alongside him. With a small curl of my lips I begin moving again, back straight as I take slow, steady steps. The dread and fear is still there, but I control it, trusting in what Grayson said. The priests can’t hurt me.