Lord Bastian looks from his daughter to me, a resolute expression crossing his face. “We’ll come with you.”

I share a look with my aunt and she nods, letting me know she’ll look after them. With relief pounding through me, I gaze around to make sure we’ve got everyone. There’s a Wilson-sized hole in my chest, but I just have to pray he’s safe in the city somewhere.

“Let’s go.”

At my command, we start walking towards the exit. We’re in a diamond formation with Jacob, Aileen, her father, and me in the center. Vaeril and Naril are on either side of me. Four magicians are at the front with Grayson, one on each side, and four are at the back with Ellis, making up the shield that constantly protects us. In front of me is Tor with Revna and the tribe warriors, and behind us is Eldrin and the elves.

The room is silent save for the sound of our feet as we make our way to the closed doors. My heart pounds painfully in my chest, my anticipation and dread rising as I take in the expressions of the priests blocking our exit. They’re not going to move, we’re going to have to fight our way out.

“Stop them!” the king booms through the hall, and gasps and exclamations of watching lords and courtiers follow his declaration.

We come to a sudden halt, unable to move any farther, and my eyes squeeze shut as my stomach drops. The sound of running feet, clinking armour, and weapons being drawn tells me exactly how this is going to end. Turning, I see a semi-circle of about twenty guards, all with swords drawn and pointed towards us, the king standing just behind with a smug smile. Hiseyes burn into mine with pure hatred that he doesn’t even bother to try and hide any longer. Next to him is Rhydian and Prince Michael, who is watching with a confused expression as he spots his brother at my side.

Breaking from the formation, I step forward, ignoring Eldrin’s low growl. “You don’t want to do this,” I plead, directly addressing the guards, realising that some of them were the guards from earlier who seemed to be familiar with Jacob. Turning slightly, I gesture behind me to where the prince is standing. “Look what the king did to your prince,his own son.” With emphasis on the last words, I pray they see sense and follow their hearts over their orders.

“It’s true,” Jacob agrees, and it affects some of the guards, their swords lowering as they look around with confusion in their eyes.

“Lies.” The voice makes me shudder. I know that voice. Turning, I see High Priest Rodrick making his way through the guards, his expression a mask of disgust. “She’s twisted the poor boy with her devilish magic.”

“Devilish magic?” My anger propels me forward against my better judgement, and I feel the tingle of the protective magical barrier against my skin. “I carry the mark of the Great Mother.” Twisting my arm, I raise it above my head, letting everyone see the marks on my skin, both that of the goddess and those the king ordered branded onto me as a child. Every eye in the room is on me, and for the first time, I’m not ashamed of my marks or trying to hide them. They show who I am and what I’ve been through, what I am—a survivor. “The king and the priests are rotten to the core. They twist the goddess’ words to fit their own purposes.”

“Blasphemy!” Rodrick roars, spinning towards me, his arms gesturing wildly.

Except it’s not him who I’m watching, but the king and his son beside him, the strange energy almost pulsing from Rhydian. The guards seem unsure, waiting for instruction, and I know it’s them I have to convince. I’ve seen that they love their prince, he has their loyalty, so that’s what I need to use.

“If this is what he can do to his son, what can he do to you?” Dropping my mask, I show them my true feelings, pushing my emotions into my words. If we are going to convince them, we need to be honest. “You’ve seen what he does in the Mother’s name! Putting your children into slavery, killing your queen, mass genocide!” My voice breaks, my eyes stinging with unshed tears as I see the faces of all the nameless slaves he murdered the day he broke me and I escaped with Vaeril. The guards suddenly stiffen, and I know that’s due to Vaeril closing the distance between us. The bond in my chest eases, alerting me to his nearness without me even needing to move. His hand lands gently on my lower back and instantly helps to ground me. I feel stronger already. Tilting my head, I look up at him, meeting his loving gaze before I return my attention to the guards. “You know better than I do that the list goes on.” I directly meet the guards’ eyes, and some of them look away, but for those who don’t, I can see a haunted look in their gazes. They’ve seen atrocities done in the name of the king. “You’ve been taught the elves were the enemy, but now the Great Mother’s chosenandher mages are working with them.” I know I’m challenging them, but they need to think for themselves. “Who is really the enemy here?”

“Elf sympathiser,” Rodrick spits, his eyes practically glowing with his hatred for me.

Ignoring the priest, I keep my gaze on the guards, holding my hands low and ensuring my body language is non-threatening. “I am leaving with my brother and my friends in peace, I am not here to start a fight.” My words are clear. There’s no questionabout it, I will be leaving, and if there is to be bloodshed, it won’t be me who started it. There’s a ripple of shock, and I hear whispers of the word ‘brother,’ but no one questions it.

Looking past the guards to the nobility beyond, I scan the crowd of anxious faces and feel something twist within me. I’ve not discussed it with the others, but there’s no way I can leave without offering safe passage to anyone who needs it. I may regret that later, but I know what it feels like to have no hope of escape. “Anyone who wants to may come with us. I guarantee safety for yourself and your families if you choose to leave.”

I pray they use their minds, their own free will to make this decision rather than just blindly following orders, but I know better than anyone that following orders is so much easier.

For a few painful seconds, nothing happens and the king starts to grin. Then, the sound of a sword being sheathed draws my attention as one of the guards who stopped us earlier walks towards me. I feel my mates at my back, ready to attack should he prove to be a threat, a low snarl coming from one of the elves behind me, but the guard drops to one knee, bowing his head first to Jacob and then to me. The four other men who I assumed were Jacob’s personal guards quickly join their kneeling companion. Stunned, I stare down at them, unsure what to say, but the first guard beats me to it.

“If you will have us, beloved, we will fight for you,” the lead guard speaks, glancing at his fellow comrades before returning his attention to me. “I have long felt we have strayed from the way of the Great Mother, but I stayed for the prince.” He shakes his head, disappointment at himself gleaming in his eyes. “When he disappeared… We were told you were behind it, but it didn’t feel right. Now we know the truth.” The others murmur their agreement, but it’s the lead guard I keep my focus on, and I realise I trust him.

Nodding, I give him a small smile. “We would be honoured to have you.” I glance at Grayson, gesturing for him to lower the shield to let the guards in before turning back to the men kneeling before me. “What about your families?” I ask as I proffer my hand to help him stand.

Staring at my outstretched palm like I’ve offered him a lifeline, he gingerly takes it, tentatively returning my smile as he gets to his feet. “We were not allowed families.” His reply makes me angry, but I’m not surprised, it’s just another example of the king’s cruelness.

With the guards now added to our numbers and no one else showing signs of joining us, I know it’s time to leave before the king lashes out. I’m surprised he hasn’t tried something already. “We’re leaving now,” I announce, meeting the king’s glare.

Turning, I face our next problem, the priests who block the doors, when someone calls out.

“Beloved.”I spin around to find Priest Rodrick just inches from me. He must have slipped past the magical barrier when the guards were allowed entry. A sick sense of acceptance fills me as everyone around me seems to move in slow motion. “You are an abomination. I never should have allowed you to survive,” he sneers, and he pulls a dagger from his robes. With speed he shouldn’t possess, he raises it above his head and plunges it through the air towards my heart.

Blinding purple light fills the room and blasts him back from me, his cry of pain loud in the sudden silence of the hall. Power radiates through my body so great that it bows my back, my arms thrown out from the force thundering through my veins.

“How dare you try to kill my beloved?”The Great Mother’s voice comes from my mouth, my head rolling until my eyes land on the cowering priest, using my body as her vessel.

“Great Mother, forgive me.” Fear makes his body quake as he peers up at me through his chubby fingers, his face twisted in distress.

My hand shoots out against my will, guided by the goddess, and touches the priest’s forehead. His eyes go blank as she pushes power into him. The whole ballroom seems to hold its breath, waiting to see what will happen to the priest who tried to strike the Mother’s chosen.

“Your mind has been twisted beyond repair.” The Mother’s tone is filled with sadness, but she’s also resolute. Sheremoves my hand, his eyes regaining their clarity, and a sudden recognition appears in them. He knows he’s about to die. Opening his mouth, he tries to say something, but the goddess waves my hand and he simply turns to ash at my feet. At the back of my mind, I can’t quite believe what I’m seeing, and neither can the rest of the room, which is in total shock. “Be mindful not to go down the same path as the priest, otherwise, you will end up like him.”