Looking at him I give him one of my own smiles, small and fragile, but honest. “You were right. Thank you—”
“Lady Clarissa.” A sharp voice cuts through the space between us, the tone instantly putting me on my guard as I turnto look at the person addressing me. It’s a group of ladies headed up by a beautiful woman at the front. I don’t recognise any of them and she appears a little older than the others, perhaps twenty-five or so. She’s wearing a beautiful, flowing green dress the exact same colour as the soldiers’ uniforms, and I realise that Wilson pointed her out to me earlier. She’s the daughter of the general of our human army.
“So you’re the one everyone’s been talking about.” I’ve been trying to remember her name, but as she looks me up and down with a sneer, I decide I don’t care. A lady steps up to the rude woman and whispers something to her, and I suddenly realise that I recognise her, not by her face, but by her bright fuchsia dress. She had been the lady at the ceremony who warned me away from Aileen and wanted a private ceremony for the higher classes. Whatever she says to the woman who’s leading the pack of ladies makes her eyes widen as she roams her gaze over my body. “Shereceived a Goddess mark?” Her eyes jump back up to meet mine and I see her mind calculating and working away before she smiles, thinly disguised venom still present as she takes a step closer to me. “Can I see it?”
Raising my eyebrows at her audacity, I just give her a look that I would give to the slaves that would get bold and try to steal my hard-earned meal. A look that promised violence and would usually be enough to scare them away, but not this woman. “And you are?”
“I’m afraid it’s in a place that would be considered rude to reveal in polite company, Lady Theresa,” Wilson jumps in, answering my question for me and being far more polite than I would have been. Turning her attention to the magician, her gaze turns predatory, the ladies behind her watching with interest.
“Mage Wilson, what a surprise to see you here. I haven’t seen you at one of our balls since our choosing ceremony.” Hersickly sweet voice makes me want to roll my eyes. I’ve seen enough behaviour from the nobility that fills the castles halls to recognise her fake attempt at being friendly. She is only out for her own gain.
Suddenly under the scrutiny of five eager women, he shuffles from foot to foot uncomfortably, but clears his throat and returns her smile. “I’m usually too busy to attend, but High Mage Grayson asked me to escort the beautiful Lady Clarissa here and I was too happy to oblige.” A little part of me wants to preen at his words, but the other part of me just wants to get out of this situation as quickly as possible. These words seem to be a trigger for Lady Theresa, and she pulls her attention from Wilson back onto me. Eyeing my outfit up and down once more, she purses her lips, a sly smile pulling up the corner of her mouth.
“Hmm. I don’t remember ever seeing you when I visited Grayson in Lake Haven, Lady Clarissa.” She says it innocently, but I know what she’s implying—that she knows Graysonintimately.I know she’s trying to get a rise out of me, that she’s jealous of my connection with the high mage, but what she doesn’t know is that there is nothing between us. Not that I’m going to let her know that.
“Oh really? Funny, he’s never mentioned you before.” I have no idea where the words come from, but even Wilson lets out a shocked laugh before covering it with a cough.
I can’t believe I just said that. She’s going to kill me. Mother above, where’s Grayson when I need him?I fight a flinch as her expression drops into one of anger, I can’t afford to let her know she scares me. However, just as quickly as it appeared, it leaves and is replaced by a raised eyebrow. Whatever she’s going to say will be aimed to hurt, but just at that moment someone clears their throat behind the group of ladies, effectively interrupting her.
“Excuse me, Lady Theresa, I was hoping to speak with Lady Clarissa for a moment?” The words are spoken like a question, but there is enough authority in the voice that choosing not to comply is not an option. Like a bolt of lightning has struck her, Lady Theresa’s back straightens as she whips around to face the person who just addressed her.
“Why, Your Highness, what a lovely surprise to see you here tonight.” Horror runs through me and I feel like I’m frozen to the spot, and even Wilson seems unable to move beside me. “How is your mother?” Theresa continues, not noticing or caring for my discomfort, her reply simpering and voice soft and gentle, nothing like the sharp words she was slinging at me just moments earlier. I have no idea which prince has decided he needs to talk to me. The excited gaggle of ladies in front of me has formed a barrier between us and I’ve never been more grateful. Shooting a look across at Wilson, I gesture towards the exit, pleading with my eyes that we make our escape, slip away while the prince is occupied. Although, I can hear from his short, clipped answers that the prince is losing patience.
“I would give almost anything to avoid this, but it’s inevitable,” Wilson whispers back to me, his face tight and completely unlike the happy magician I’m beginning to know. “He’s been staring at you all night, it was only a matter of time.” Bitterness seeps into his voice, and I get the impression that he and the prince have a history.
“That’s fascinating, Lady Theresa, but I must have some time alone with Lady Clarissa,” the prince finally says, cutting off whatever she’d been babbling on about. I don’t see Theresa’s face, but the expressions on the other ladies’ faces tell me enough—she’s been blown off, and she’s not happy about it.
“Of course, Your Highness,” she answers demurely, and takes a step back. The look she gives me as she does is enoughto strike fear in any sane person, but I’m not paying attention to her, my focus on the now-visible prince Jacob.
Stepping past the ladies, he moves in closer, stopping just in front of me. If I reached out my fingers would brush against his formal wear. Green, the royal colour, but like the higher magicians’ uniform, his double-breasted jacket has golden buttons and is lined with gold. His cape is made from golden thread and, of course, a golden crown sits upon his head.
Wilson nods his head in a semblance of a bow and I quickly sketch out an awkward curtsy. The prince watches me with knowing eyes, the corner of his mouth twitching up into a smile before he turns his gaze to the magician at my side, his expression morphing into a frown.
“Mage Wilson,” the prince acknowledges dryly.
“Your Highness.” Wilson sounds like he’s being forced at gunpoint to utter the words, his voice tight like just speaking the honorific is painful. Silence stretches and I glance between the two of them awkwardly as they stare at each other. There is definitely some history between them, in fact they look around the same age so they may have grown up together. I’ll have to ask Wilson later. Reaching over, I place my hand on the magician’s upper arm, snapping him out of his staring match as he turns to look at me, an apologetic smile in place. My attention is brought back to the prince, whose gaze is trained on my hand on Wilson’s arm, an emotion I can’t identify swirling in his eyes.
“I’ll go and get us some food, Lady Clarissa,” Wilson tells me with a small smile, but I can tell he doesn’t want to leave me alone. Honestly, I don’t want him to leave either, but the unrelenting stare from the prince shows he’s not going to back down. Wilson looks at the prince again and levels a hard stare at him. “I won’t be far away if you need me.” The words are aimed at me, but I feel like he’s talking to the prince too, a warning hidden within his words.
He takes a step away from me and I watch him leave, my heart aching with the loss of my safety blanket.Safety blanket. Eyes widening, I realise he’s one of the only people I’ve ever felt safe around and that’s something I never thought I’d experience, especially not with someone I’ve literally just met. A cough brings my attention back to the prince who’s wearing that half smile again. It’s the kind of expression that someone who knows a secret about you would wear. He makes me nervous.
“Lady Clarissa, I wanted to properly introduce myself. I am Prince Jacob Timothy Arhaven.” His words are tinged with a hint of pride and I can tell how proud he is of his kingdom. “I thought you looked like you needed rescuing.” His words are said with that half smile and are very similar to what Wilson had said to me not that long ago.
“Thank you, Your Highness,” I reply quietly, keeping my eyes low as I clasp my hands together in front of me, playing with the metal cuffs that hide my slave marks. He wouldn’t be so eager to meet me if he knew who I truly was. The prince remains quiet for a moment and I can feel his eyes exploring my face, waiting for me to… well, I’m not sure what he’s waiting for me to do, so I simply wait. I can’t afford to make a mistake here, anything I do wrong could end up with a one-way trip to see the executioner.
“What do you think of the city of Arhaven?” he asks suddenly, and I raise my eyes to his mouth, occasionally flicking my gaze up to his eyes, only to drop eye contact after a second. His gaze is so intense I can’t hold it for long. My mind plays over his question. Why is he asking what I think of the city?
Of course, he thinks I’ve just arrived, to learn about the court.I’ve lived in the castle for many years now, but honestly, I’ve never seen the city and some parts of the castle I’ve seen today were new to me. In a way, I have just arrived, it’s funny but since the threat of my death has been removed, I’m seeing everything in a whole new light.
“I haven’t had the chance to see much of it yet, Your Highness. But what I’ve seen of it, I like very much,” I reply truthfully. Lying to the prince didn’t sit right with me, although I don’t know why, after all, his father is responsible for enslaving hundreds of children. I shouldn’t want to be anywhere near him, but I find I feel the opposite. “I particularly like the Queen’s Courtyard, it’s very peaceful there.”
“Please, call me Jacob. May I call you Clarissa?” I don’t know much about court etiquette other than what I’ve witnessed, but I’m pretty sure this is unusual and I should be flattered. I’m still struggling to remember my full title, so I simply nod. “In that case, Clarissa…” My name sounds like a caress on his lips and something within me heats, and I have to pinch my arm to stay focused on what he’s saying. “I would love to escort you to my favourite place in the city, if you would like?”
My eyes meet his, curiosity making me bolder. “Where is that?”
“It’s a surprise.” A full smile graces his face and for a second I’m blown away. He looks like a completely different person when he smiles like that and I decide that’s the person I want to get to know.
“I’d like that,” I reply tentatively, a small, fragile smile on my lips, and I’m surprised at how true my statement is. The prince’s whole face lights up and it transforms him, making me want to do anything he asks.