“Sorry, ma’am, I can be a little clumsy,” he admits. The maid takes the cup and places it down on the little side table with a smile and slight shake of her head, muttering something about clumsy magicians before turning to face me.
“Ah, you’re ready. You look lovely, dear,” she praises, as she walks over to greet me, her hands tugging at the skirts of my dress and smoothing out the fabric. “Mage Wilson is here to escort you to the ball. He will stay with you until High Mage Grayson can join you.” Her explanation has me glancing over her shoulder at the magician in question, who’s now pretending not to listen as he examines the teapot.
Lowering my voice, I meet Jayne’s eyes. “Can I trust him?”
“Grayson trusts him,” she declares, as if this is enough of a reassurance for me. Is it enough? Jayne must see my reluctance as she pats my arm in comfort. “I know his mother, she’s a good woman. He’s young—” There’s a crash behind her and she winces at the loss of more porcelain as a shouted apology reaches us. “And clumsy, but trustworthy.” She holds my gaze as I watch her shrewdly. I learned pretty quickly how to identify when someone’s lying, the tone of their voice changes or their ticks give them away, everyone has them. But looking at Jayne, I’m pretty sure she’s telling the truth. Nodding, I drop my eyes and take a step back, waiting for her to introduce us.
“Don’t drop your eyes, a lady would never do that.” Quickly lifting my eyes to her, I feel my stomach clench in nervous anticipation. “You command the room, eyes up, back straight.” Following her instruction, I roll my shoulders back and attempt to straighten my spine. It’s difficult. Years of hunching over, scrubbing floors, and bowing have altered how I stand, but tonight I am to pretend I’m a lady. Shaking my head at how my life has changed in such a short space of time, I await her next instruction. “Walk slowly so your steps are even, you don’t want to fall in front of everyone. This ball is just as dangerous as the ceremony, words can be just as sharp as swords.” Her warning rings in my ears... she’s right. I can’t afford to fall in front of everyone. “Just act like you own everything and everyone and you’ll be fine.”
“How much does he know?” I ask with a nod towards Mage Wilson.
“He knows you are new to court and don’t know its ways, that you are Goddess blessed and important to Grayson.” I shouldn’t be so pleased at those words,important to Grayson, but I can’t help but preen a little.
You’re important to the outcome of the war, not him personally. He’s just making sure that you don’t mess it up,my snide inner voice chirps, but I push it aside, I need to be confident tonight.
“Okay, I’m ready,” I announce, and Jayne steps back with a smile so I can walk towards the magician. “Mage Wilson, was it?” I call out, bringing his attention to me once again.
I take in the man before me and force a smile onto my face. He looks young, but he can’t be any younger than twenty-three as there hasn’t been a magician chosen at the choosing ceremony in years. His eyes are bright and he has the typical Arhaven tanned skin and light hair, although his eyes are a deeper, darker blue than most. He’s tall, and has a slim build, and his smart blue uniform looks stiff and new. It’s similar to Grayson’s, but this uniform is a basic, solid blue with buttons lining the front of the double-breasted jacket. The high magicians have gold buttons, epaulettes, and a cape with a golden lining.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Clarissa. Please, call me Wilson,” he gushes, his smile wide as he hurries forward to meet me. His excitement is infectious, and I find my smile widening as I watch him. When he offers me his arm, I eye it up, waiting for Jayne’s nod of encouragement before linking my arm with his.
As he guides me towards the large doors, I feel his flickering magic just before they open wide, seemingly by themselves. Glancing across at my companion, I can see the concentration it’s taking for him to use his magic this way as he obviously tries to impress me. For some reason I feel the need to praise him, to give him the response that he’s looking for. I don’t know why, I’ve only just met this man and he is using Goddess blessed magic to please a woman, but the smile that appears on his face when he sees me watching makes my heart warm.
“Thank you. I don’t see magic used very often,” I offer with a smile, as we step through the doors and start walking down the corridor towards the grand hall. It’s a fair walk and I follow Jayne’s advice, taking each step slowly and carefully.
“Well, I’ve never met anyone with a Goddess mark before,” he responds cheerily, his eyes going to my wrist quickly before flitting back up to my face.
Tilting my head to one side, I consider the mage. I hadn’t wanted to spend this walk in conversation, but his words make me curious. Glancing around, I see that we’re alone, I wouldn’t want anyone else overhearing and working out that I know so little about our culture. “Are they not common then?”
“No, my lady.”
Pursing my lips, I consider what he’s just told me, questions swirling in my mind. I’m so used to not asking, to keeping my thoughts to myself, but I find it difficult to stop now that I’ve started. “Are magicians not marked by the Goddess?” After all, magicians are granted magic by the Mother, so surely they would be marked in some way.
“Our mark is our magic,” he explains, lifting his hand and demonstrating by making a small ball of light appear in his palm. My eyes widen in surprise. “Our choosing ceremonies are a little less dramatic than yours though,” he jokes, and I can’t help the small snort that slips from my lips. Delighted, he joins me in laughter, coaxing a giggle from me. It’s short, but genuine, and I take a second to bask in this moment before we reach the ballroom where everything will change. The chatter of people reaches us as we continue our stroll, and I clear my throat, wanting to ask another question before it becomes too loud to talk.
“How do you know that you’ve been chosen to be a magician?”
“Our magic will show itself in some way, that’s usually an indication as to what our specialty is. For me, I started hovering above the podium,” he says nonchalantly, but my eyes widen and I pull him to a stop and turn to face him.
“You can fly?” My words are breathy and I probably look like a fool, but I can’t help it, I have to know what it’s like. I’ve always dreamed of being able to fly, of escaping the world below and going wherever I want with no walls to hold me back.
“No, I can lift myself for a few seconds, but I’m still learning to control my telekinesis.” I frown at the unfamiliar word and he quirks a smile as he begins walking again. “I forget you don’t know much about us. I can move things with my mind.”
Nodding at his explanation, I follow him silently, lost in my thoughts as the noise grows louder and we round a corner to see the elaborate entrance to the grand hall. String instruments play, their beautiful music filling every space in the large room. I pull Wilson to a stop and stare into the hall that’s decked out with candles and grand chandeliers, with tables to the side filled with more food than I’ve ever seen before. In the centre of the hall is a dance floor where many lords and ladies twirl in unison in a swirl of chiffon and lace. My heart thuds painfully inside my chest, anxiety gripping me tightly.
They’re going to see through me.
Wilson reaches out and gently pulls me around so I’m facing him, not a smile to be seen for the first time since I met him, his expression sincere. It’s something I’m not used to seeing. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” He speaks slowly, emphasising the words, and I just stare at him in shock.
“Why?” I don’t mean to ask the question, but I’m so shocked that this man would put himself on the line to protect me that it comes out before I can stop it.
“Because Grayson says you’re important, and because it’s the right thing to do.”
Because it’s the right thing to do.His words ring through my ears and bring a sad smile to my lips. He may be young and naive, but his heart is pure. I can see why the Mother chose him to wield her magic. He would never kill or harm unless it’s necessary, and I know he would die to protect me. I don’t know how I know this, but something inside guides me and tells me this man is a good person, my mark tingling as if the Mother herself had organised us to meet. Who knows, perhaps she did.
“I think, in another life, it would be easy to love you.” I don’t know where these words come from, I’ve never loved anyone, nor do I know what love feels like, but it feels like the right thing to say. I can also see the two of us, aged and holding hands as our children charge around us, a home full of happiness and laughter, but I know that’s never going to be a life allowed to me. The Mother has other plans for me.
Wilson’s face shutters for a moment before he blinks and smiles widely at me. “Well, how about we settle on friends then?” He says it with such enthusiasm that I laugh, his smile is contagious.