The speakers say their good nights and well wishes, each one stepping forward to touch my hands before returning to their people. It makes me uncomfortable, especially the look of awe some of them have when they come up to me. This much touching in one evening is almost too much for me, but I don’t want to appear rude or upset them, especially not when they’ve been so welcoming.

Eventually, we manage to leave. Vaeril’s hand rests on my lower back as we walk, the only thing keeping me going, as if his very touch gives me strength.

“I much prefer these parties,” Naril comments, and as I glance over my shoulder, I see he’s managed to grab another plate of food, his eyes locked onto his stash with glee. Smiling, I shake my head before turning forward.

“You can go back if you want, you don’t have to leave on my account,” I call, my voice light as a teasing smile spreads across my lips. “I saw that you looked pretty comfortable with one of the elves by the food table.” He can’t see my smile, but theplayful note in my voice is obvious, and his snort tells me he’s heard it.

“I’ll probably go back once you’re settled,” he replies casually, before falling silent. I assume he’s eating something from his stolen stash, but he clears his throat, catching my attention. “I meant what I said, I’ll help you.”

The seriousness in his tone makes me stop, and from the cursing behind me, I know he must have nearly walked into me, but I spin to face him, my expression just as serious. Vaeril stands just to the side and out of the way, so Naril and I are face to face. My eyes rove over him, and he seems to realise now isn’t the time for jokes, as he just waits for my assessment. My wrist tingles in a sign from the goddess, and I know I can fully trust Naril. If it came down to it, he would protect me with his life. The thought scares me, but it isn’t something I have time to worry about now. Instead, I simply nod.

“I know,” I respond, and both him and Vaeril seem to let out relieved breaths. What did they think was going to happen? That I would banish Naril back to Galandell and refuse his help? Needing to break the tension, I smile as I turn around and start the trek back to my room. “I am capable of putting myself to bed though, you don’t have to miss out,” I say over my shoulder, hearing them discussing something behind me.

“It’s okay, she’s safe with me,” Vaeril tells his friend. “I’ll stay the night in her room to make sure she’s safe.”

I raise my eyebrows at his statement, but I don’t stop walking.Oh, he will, will he?My thoughts spin, and Naril obviously has the same idea because he makes a chortling sound.

“Oh, the old ‘I need to make sure she’s safe.’ Got it,” Naril teases, and I hear a low growling sound, followed by a muffled thud.

“Naril…” I call as I turn to see what’s going on, only to trail off. Naril appears forlorn as he stares over the edge of theplatform, his hands now empty. Glancing over the rail, I see his smashed plate and the food scattered all over the ground. Vaeril is smirking, his arms crossed as he watches Naril mourn his lost food, and I realise what’s happened.

“Look what he did!” Naril accuses, pointing at Vaeril, who wears a pleased expression.

“You deserved it,” I retort, making Vaeril laugh as he walks over to me. “Go back and enjoy the party. The dancing was only just starting.” I turn to leave. At this point, I don’t care what he does with his time, whether that’s to mourn his lost food or return to the party, but when I glance over my shoulder, I see he’s gone.

Vaeril and I walk the rest of the way back to my room in silence, but it’s comfortable and I don’t feel the need to fill it, so instead, I just enjoy his company. Reaching the little house built into the tree, I push open the door and make my way through the living room and straight to the bedroom. I intend to just sink into the large bed, but I come to a stop as something on the bedding catches my eye.

“Oh.” My voice is soft as I take a few steps to get a closer look. At first glance, it appears to be a pile of junk, but on inspection, I realise they are little trinkets—a shiny stone, a stick carved into a flower, dried grasses woven together. I pick them up one by one, examining them, running my fingers over them, and admiring the craftsmanship on the tiny items.

“What is it?” Vaeril asks, as he enters the room behind me, coming to my side to see for himself.

“I’m not sure,” I murmur as he picks up a smooth, shiny stone, and I realise what these items remind me of. When we were escaping Arhaven, we entered the large forest separating the two races, and each night, the pixies, imps, and other small fae left me little gifts.

“Gifts from the fae,” Vaeril observes, arriving at the same conclusion as me. “They must be returning.” His comment echoes Speaker Hawthorn’s earlier statement.

Frowning, I collect the items and walk over to the dressing table, carefully placing them on top. “Why are they leaving me gifts? I’ve not done anything.” My voice is soft, and all of a sudden, I’m hyperaware that I’m alone in my bedroom with Vaeril.

“They must be drawn to you.” His voice has deepened, and although I’m facing away from him, I can almost feel him as he takes a step towards me. “You said yourself that you could sense them. Maybe that’s a mutual feeling?” His tone matches mine, quiet, almost breathy as he stands close enough that I can feel the heat of his body against my back.

“Thank you, for tonight,” I whisper, bracing my hands against the dressing table before me as Vaeril shifts his weight.

“Clarissa,” he murmurs, his hand resting on my waist as he gently turns me to face him. The hungry look on his face makes my mouth go dry as my heart speeds up. My eyes flicker over his features as he takes a step closer, his fingers tracing patterns through my dress on my waist and up my back, leaving a tingling trail in their wake.

“What’s changed?” I ask, needing to know. My mind just wants to let go, to give in to his heated gaze and the arousal that’s building within me with each passing second, but my heart is more cautious.

Frowning, his stills his caresses, his confusion evident. “What do you mean?” Sighing, I go to look away, trying to sort out my feelings, but he reaches up to cup my chin. “What is it, Clarissa? You can tell me anything.”

“That’s exactly my point! Since when, Vaeril?” I try to keep my voice soft, not wanting to sound reproachful, but before I can commit my heart to him, I need to know when his feelings forme changed. “You’ve been hot and cold since Tor arrived. You want me, but only because the bond is telling you to,” I explain, my eyes scanning his face to gauge his reaction. “Something changed tonight. I felt it. What is it?” My voice is almost a whisper now, like just saying it out loud might change it. I’m aware I might not like his answer, that forcing him to voice his feelings might change his mind, but I have to know.

I see the moment understanding crosses his features, and I brace myself for any backlash, except he surprises me by raising a hand to my face and cupping my cheek. “I’ve always wanted you, Clarissa, even before the bond made itself clear to me, andthatis why.” His tone is earnest, but I can’t hide my confusion. His thumb caresses my cheek, and I fight against the urge to lean into his touch, for my eyes to slide closed as I bask in his warmth. “You are so young,” he whispers, and I see a flash of unease in his eyes before he carries on. “Remember that when I first met you, I thought you were human. Then you saved me. A human, practically a child, was required to help me, a warrior lord.” His voice is full of self-loathing. “Then I nearly died from that wound. You saved me, honoured your word, and took me to my people, no matter the risk to yourself. That’s when I realised you were my mate and fate seemed so cruel.” His eyes are awed as he relives our escape, like he can’t quite believe it himself. I’ve heard part of this tale before, about when he realised who I was to him, but now I want to know when he decided to accept it.

“You, Clarissa.Youare what has changed me. I realised I was no longer happy with my old life and never would be in a world where you were not part of it. But every time I looked at you, I was only reminded of my own failures.” His tone is apologetic as he explains, and I begin to understand. The elves are such a proud race, so to have to accept the assistance of someone from a race he’s at war with would have been hard for him—only thento realise that person was his mate. It would have seemed like a slight from a god, having a permanent reminder of his failure.

“I let my guard down that night when Tor came back, and afterwards, when I realised how close I was to bonding with you without fully explaining what that meant, I felt like the worst being in existence.” Self-loathing and disgust make his voice harsh, and almost without realising it, I reach up and cradle his jaw in a mirror of his position, rubbing calming circles onto his cheek. I hate seeing this pain in his eyes. “Then, over the last few weeks, I’ve watched you grow and develop into this strong woman. Tonight just confirmed it, and I realised that even without the bond, I would want you. I’ve decided to stop fighting it.” His gaze is intense, his eyes locked on mine. His admission has my heart pounding in my chest, and the bond between us is practically humming in delight. His words should make me want to skip through the forest. He wants me. He wantsme.A slave girl with mixed heritage, who doesn’t have a clue who she is or what she’s going to do with her life. He’s choosing to bind himself to me in an unbreakable bond. Then why is my heart sinking?

Because you’ll have to choose. Will he ever be okay with having to share you?My thoughts are somber, and my chest constricts tightly at the thought.

He’s still watching me closely, and something shifts in his eyes when I don’t react to his declaration. “If you still want me, that is.” He says it with a slight laugh and tries to joke, attempting to get a reaction from me, but I feel his hurt.