Using all my willpower, I manage to stop the groan from escaping me at the idea of a celebration.Why is there always a ball or celebration at these places?my inner thoughts complain, thinking back to the lavish balls at Arhaven and Galandell. Although, looking around the forest, I can’t imagine their celebrations being like that. The whole lifestyle here is completely different than that of the high elves and humans.

“Celebration meal?” Although I manage to keep my voice even, I’m unable to stop my face.

Thankfully, this just makes the speaker laugh. “Yes, to celebrate your return, and with you, the return of Menishea.”

I glance over at Vaeril, desperately hoping he will say we can’t attend or give me an excuse, but his amused glance soon moves back to the wood elf as he dips his head in agreement. “We would be honoured to attend the meal, Speaker Hawthorn.”

The three wood elves titter around me, fluttering about like butterflies as they dress me for the evening. I insisted I could dress myself, but they assured me it was ceremonial. Reluctantly, I agreed, leaving Vaeril and Naril in the guest hut they had been given to stay in. I loved the buildings here. While the hut they were in was nothing like they were used to, it was still beautiful in its own way. It’s been weaved from branches and sits on the ground at the base of a large tree, yet the wood is still living, so leaves and wildflowers grow over it. Inside, all the furniture is made of wood and leaves, but it looks like the wood has been encouraged to grow into those shapes rather than cut or whittled.

The building I’m staying in is similar in the way that everything has been grown and is fully ingrained in the naturehere. The main difference? This building isinthe tree, like most of the buildings here. A spiral staircase twirls up around one of the large tree trunks and reaches a balcony that circles the entire circumference of the tree. The house is built partially on the platform, and the rest within the tree itself.

They’ve given me the entire house to myself while I stay here, and although it’s not as big as the rooms I have back in Galandell, I much prefer the natural, comfortable space over the opulence of the palace. It has a small living area with comfortable chairs and a table, with a small kitchen to the side. Off the main room is a bathroom and luxurious bedroom, complete with a private balcony.

“Your ears are just the cutest,” one of the elves comments. I think her name was Rose, but it’s all been a bit of a blur since they whisked me up here. She seems to be the one in charge of the little group. She is stunning with light green skin, almost pearlescent in the sunlight, and wispy pink hair that’s been pinned up with roses and other flowers decorating her head. The other two, Thorn and Masie, look much like their friend, but their hair colours are more natural. They agree with Rose as they hurry over to bring a large mirror for me to see myself in.

Standing, I can’t help but gasp when I see my reflection. I look like a fae. The makeup they’ve put on is subtle but emphasises all of my elvish features, making my cheekbones look sharp and accentuating the slight upturn of my eyes. My black hair has been brushed, and several braids have been put into it with tiny silver leaves weaved through. On my head is a crown of flowers, and two intricate, twisting silver cuffs have been put on the outside of my ears. At first, I thought it was to make them look pointed, more elvish, but seeing them now, they fully show off the curve of my human ears, embracing and enhancing them.

The dress is similar to the wrap type ones I would wear back in Galandell, but there is a lot more fabric, which trails behind me as I walk, from the cape-like train that flows from my shoulders and meets the silver cuffs at my wrist. The thing that stands out the most, however, is the colour. The dress is a deep, midnight blue with tiny silver flecks woven into the fabric. Although I’ve been dressed up before, this feels much more casual than any of the events I’ve previously attended.

“Wow,” I whisper as I stare at my reflection, which seems to be becoming a theme. Will I ever get used to wearing clothing like this, to looking like anything other than a slave? The elves murmur their agreement, hands reaching out to touch me. I’ve noticed they do that a lot. A casual hand on my shoulder here, a gentle brush as they move a piece of hair from my face, lightly reaching out and adjusting the skirt of my dress.

“You look beautiful,” Rose says with a bright smile, her sapphire eyes gleaming with happiness. “The perfect outfit for your return.”

There it is again, the implication that I’ve returned, like I’ve been here before, but I don’t have time to think on it as the elves flutter around me again.

“Are you ready? They will be waiting for us,” she inquires, gesturing for me to follow her. Nodding my head, I take a deep breath and trail after her. One of the things I’ve noticed is that none of the wood elves wear shoes, and they haven’t provided me with any now, which suits me. Wearing shoes was one of my biggest adjustments when Grayson saved me, so there’s something comforting about not wearing them here.

Exiting the house, I finally take in the forest around me. Now that the sun is starting to set, small lanterns line the walkways that connect the trees together. There are dozens of houses like the one I’m staying in, but I can see lanterns farther off in the trees, so I’m sure there are even more. There are several morehuts and slightly bigger buildings built into the trees on the ground, but most of the activity seems to be up in the canopy. Following Rose over a rope bridge to the next tree, I can’t help but smile. Vaeril and I stayed in trees when we were escaping Arhaven, but I hadn’t really had the time or energy to think about it. On our journey here, Vaeril and Naril explained that most of the buildings here were built into the trees. I’ve seen a few like this on the outskirts of Galandell, but they were nothing like this, and the thought of living in a tree had been completely alien to me. But being up here now, it feels comfortable, and I hardly notice I’m suspended high above the ground.

We appear to be walking towards a large platform built around the biggest tree I’ve ever seen. Elves are gathered there on colourful cushions, sitting together in groups. Reaching the tree, I pause on the edge of the platform as I take everything in. Rose and her companions wave at me and hurry off to join another group of elves, and I feel the eyes of many turn to look at me. They’re curious, kind looks, completely unlike the unfriendly stares I’m used to. To my relief, all the females seem to be wearing dresses like mine in a variety of colours. The men are wearing leggings and colourful jackets, with leaves of various colours woven and embroidered into them.

On the other side of the platform, I see Vaeril and a very uncomfortable looking Naril climbing from the staircase. Vaeril’s gaze instantly locks onto mine and a hungry, predatory look flashes into his eyes as he stalks towards me. Like I’m being pulled by an invisible thread, I begin to move towards him, and we meet in the middle, stopping only when we are chest to chest, completely ignoring the onlooking elves.

“You look…” He trails off, the heat in his eyes awaking my desire.

A loud cough comes from Vaeril’s side, and a frustrated Naril raises an eyebrow at us before shuffling between us, looking me up and down.

“You look like a fae,” he announces with a twist of his mouth. “Being here is unlocking it.”

I’ve heard people talking about this before. Eldrin had been trying to unlock my fae powers, but we hadn’t had much luck other than the occasional burst of speed. However, I’ve no idea how they could unlock part of how I look. “What do you mean? Being here can’t change my appearance,” I protest, as thoughts of sprouting branches from my arms like some of the fae I’ve seen flash through my mind.

“No, but it can change how you behave, how you hold yourself,” he explains, gesturing to the way I’m standing. “Plus, their fashions enhance your fae side.” What he says makes sense, and I have to admit I have changed a lot since my time back in Arhaven. Perhaps he’s right, not that I would ever let him know that though.

Vaeril pushes the lord out the way and takes my hand before raising it to his lips to press a warm kiss there. “No, I was going to say you look beautiful, but the word didn’t seem like enough to describe how you look tonight.” Naril makes a gagging sound, but I can’t pull my eyes from Vaeril, his words bringing a blush to my cheeks.

I open my mouth—to say what, I don’t know—but in that moment, a hush falls over the elves. Looking around, I see Speaker Hawthorn and a group of older elves gathering next to the trunk where large chairs grow out of the bark. Elves settle down onto the coloured cushions, all facing towards the trunk, where the older elves are taking their seats, all except Speaker Hawthorn. Seeing me, he gestures for me to come forward with a smile on his face, so I walk over to them with Vaeril and Naril following behind me.

“Clarissa, you look beautiful,” the speaker greets, taking my hand in his and squeezing it gently.

Smiling, I bow my head in respect. “Thank you, Speaker Hawthorn.”

Keeping hold of my hand, he turns and takes a few steps towards the elves behind him. I follow, trying to push my nerves aside. I expect looks of disdain, but instead, I’m only greeted with curious and tentatively friendly expressions. “Let me introduce you to the other speakers.” He goes through the other elves behind him and explains who they are and what their position is with the wood elves. I notice all of them are male except for one female sporting a pair of delicate antlers atop her head. Seeing my regard, her smile widens, and she dips her head towards me.

Everyone has been so welcoming and friendly, but something is niggling at the back of my mind.Why?Why do some of them look at me like I’m walking on water?

I get the feeling they’re about to do some sort of speech, but I want to inquire before things get started. “Speaker Hawthorn, may I ask you something?”

The speaker nods his head, his inquisitive eyes watching me carefully. “Of course, child.”