“When a female elf accepts the bond, it’s a great honour.”

He’s stalling,I realise, and I level him with a glare. He’s never been one to mince his words to spare my feelings before, so why is he tiptoeing around this? Glancing at the others for an answer, I see Naril is just smiling while Ardeth suddenly finds his book fascinating and refuses to look at me.

“She will never be accepted by the queen,” Eldrin barks, stopping whatever Vaeril was about to say as he storms over.

Vaeril jumps to his feet and turns to face the scarred twin, baring his teeth as he takes a menacing step forward. Instead of backing down, Eldrin seems to take this as a challenge, his chest expanding as he marches towards his friend. Thankfully, Naril realises this is about to turn into a bloodbath and movesbetween the two of them, placing his hands on his brother’s chest, pushing him back a step.

“Brother, take it easy,” he snaps. He sounds like he’s straining to keep Eldrin where he is, but eventually his brother looks away from Vaeril and steps back. “She’s learned a lot today, give her some time,” Naril tells him, making sure to stay between his brother and friend.

“He’s right, the queen hates me, and this,” I say, gesturing between Vaeril and me, “won’t change her attitude towards me.” As I speak, a sense of acceptance settles over me. I realise I don’twantorneedher to like me, I just need her to let me stay here.

“So, what do we do?” Eldrin inquires gruffly. I keep shooting looks at him out of the corner of my eye. He’s watching us with a frustrated expression, his arms crossed over his chest.

“We find out more. We’ll look through the journals, visit the wood elves, and try to learn more about your powers,” Vaeril answers, but he focuses on me as he speaks. “For now, we don’t tell the queen.” The others nod in agreement.

I replay his words, and something connects in my mind. “I’m part wood elf?” I wait for his nod before I ask my next question. “Is that why the imps and the kelpies like me?”

“Wait, kelpies?” Naril exclaims, shock colouring his tone, and even Eldrin seems to be paying attention.

“Yeah, they warned me that the elves were coming. They also got me the nos weed to help Vaeril,” I explain simply, not understanding the looks they give each other.

“The kelpies…they helped you?” Ardeth queries slowly. He tries to keep his tone light and questioning, just an academic asking for more information, but I can tell he’s just as astounded as the others.

“Yeah, I don’t know why you’re so surprised.” Leaning forward in my chair, I shift my weight, starting to feel the need to move. I’m getting uncomfortable under all their stares. “Sure,they were angry, really angry, but they helped me, and they didn’t have to. I think their reputation has been exaggerated.” Pushing up from my chair, I start to move around. I never go farther than a couple of steps away, but I just need some space, tired of feeling like a strange new creature that’s been discovered. I know, to them, I probably am, but I’m just as shocked by these revelations as they are.

“No, they are cruel creatures. It’s you,” Naril states, before turning to Ardeth. “Could it be the connection with the wood elves?”

The scholar scratches his beard as he considers the question. “Even the wood elves stay away from the kelpies.” Finally, he shakes his head as if he can’t come up with an answer. “She’s different.” They all turn to look at me again.

I feel overwhelmed. The need to run, to hide, fills me with such urgency, my heart speeds up, my body preparing me to escape.

“I need…I need—”

Sensing my panic through the bond, Vaeril addresses the others. “Let’s take a break.” I don’t miss the glare he levels at them before turning to me, and I notice he doesn’t move any closer, probably worried he would scare me off. He’s right. “Clarissa, would you like to see the gardens?”

“Yes, please,” I answer immediately.

“Clarissa, it was a pleasure meeting you. I look forward to seeing you again,” Ardeth says, as he stands from his chair, smiling while he nods his head in my direction, picking up on Vaeril’s actions.

“Thank you, Ardeth.” I’m thanking him for more than just the information he gave me today, and I know he could become a close friend if I stay here.If.

“Let’s go.” Vaeril gestures for me to walk ahead of him, back the way we came, before throwing a look at the twins over hisshoulder. I hear their low voices, but I can’t tell what they’re saying, too quiet for my human hearing to pick up.

As we exit the library, Vaeril takes up his position at my side, but he doesn’t touch me, staying a couple of steps apart from me and giving me the space I need. Glancing over my shoulder, I see the twins are following behind us, but far enough away to give the illusion of privacy. My heart pangs in my chest as we step out of the calming quiet of the library and into the main halls of the palace, sad I didn’t have time to explore.

If what Vaeril says is true, then you will have plenty of time to explore,my mind reasons, and I make a mental note to come back and speak with Ardeth.

I don’t pay attention to my surroundings as we walk, my thoughts on the revelations of the day. Vaeril and the twins are silent, giving me the chance to think through everything.

We reach the gardens, and they are beautiful, but I just can’t muster up the energy to enjoy them, especially not with our silent companions following behind us. I can feel Eldrin’s heavy gaze on my back as we stroll. I’m not sure how I know it’s him, but it makes it difficult to enjoy the quiet serenity of the gardens. This garden is in a courtyard with each side walled in, so I’m only just able to hear the waves on the other side of the palace.

“Can you take me back to my rooms?” I request eventually, staring off into the distance. Vaeril’s eyes scan my face, but I keep looking around the garden, not wanting to see his expression.

“Of course,” he responds quietly, gesturing for me to follow him.

In silence, we leave the gardens, and he guides me back to the residential floor, stopping when we reach my door. Leaning against the frame, he glances over my shoulder, frowning slightly.

“We will be okay from here.”