Getting to his feet as well, Vaeril bows at the waist, raising her hand to his lips as he presses a kiss against it. “Of course, Your Majesty.”
With his head bowed like that, Vaeril can’t see the look she gives him, but I can. It’s full of schemes and desire, and a warning tingle runs down my spine to the mark that sits in the small of my back. Feeling my gaze on her, the queen lifts her head and glares at me, the look on her face clear—he is mine.
Letting go of his hand, she finally turns away and strolls from the atrium, her ladies in waiting following behind her.
Vaeril sits back down and turns to me, gesturing to the plate in my lap. “Are you going to eat that?” he asks, as he tries to take my plate, making me laugh at the mischievous look in his eyes. He’s trying to cheer me up, shaking off the heavy atmosphere from being here with the queen.
“This is mine, get your own!” I bark at him, but I’m smiling as I move the plate out of his reach. I didn’t know that Vaeril has a cheeky, mischievous streak to him, but I guess I didn’t really understand him properly. Here, in his home, he’s more relaxed, and I look forward to getting to know him better.
Standing in front of the mirror, I almost don’t recognise myself. My flowing black hair gleams as the elf behind me weaves silver leaves into it. The elf, whose name I still haven’t learned, is terrified of me. Every time I move, she flinches, and I feel terrible not being able to reassure her, as I’m pretty sure she doesn’t understand Arhavien. I’m dressed in soft grey. The dresses here are much less fitted than what I’m used to, and there isn’t a petticoat in sight. Instead, the fabric is draped across my frame. It’s simple, with no embroidery, but it flatters my figure, and with the silver leaves in my hair, I look so unlike the person I was back in my home kingdom.
The suite the queen provided for me is huge and overlooks the river out the front of the palace. After Vaeril dropped me off at the door, I explored the huge rooms, expecting him to come back and tell me there had been a mistake.
Looking around these quarters now, uncertainty fills me. I feel so out of place here, and I don’t think it’s just because of the not so warm welcome from the queen. Galandell is beautiful, at least what I’ve seen of it so far, but there is something within me,some aching void that’s missing an integral piece, and I don’t think any city will fill that.
My mind return to my friends and the other two men who are never far from my thoughts. Jacob had been another regular in my reflections. I hadn’t seen him in the days before my escape and I worry for him. He was trying to warn me about his father and then he disappeared. I may not like him in the way he liked me, but he was my friend and I’m scared something happened to him.
A knock at the door brings me out of my musings as the elf who had been working on my hair hurries to answer the it. Turning from the mirror, I make my way towards the entrance to see who’s come to call on me.
A thrill courses through me when I hear his low voice—Vaeril. When I reach the door, I don’t need to understand elvish to see that the pretty elf who’s been helping me is blatantly flirting with him. Vaeril looks uncomfortable as he stands at the threshold with his hands behind his back, replying politely in elvish. As soon as he sees me, he seems to relax, and although he doesn’t smile, his frown eases and something shines in his eyes that makes my stomach flip.
The female elf glances over her shoulder as Vaeril looks away from her, and she makes a little high-pitched noise of surprise before hastily backing away. Watching her with a sigh, I shake my head. Perhaps I can ask Vaeril to speak to her for me, to assure her that I won’t harm her.
“Good morning, Clarissa.” His voice rolls over me and pulls my attention back to him. After tea with the queen, Vaeril led me to my room and allowed me to rest alone. Although I craved some time alone, and the time in the cell didn’t count, I’m pleased to see him again. He’s wearing a similarly styled jacket to the one from yesterday, this one in a shade of dark green, but it has the same bronze buttons and detailing that resembles thequeen. Jealousy tries to plant itself in my mind—he’s wearinghercolours—but I push the feeling away.
“Good morning, Vaeril,” I reply, a small smile gracing my lips as he eyes me up and down, making no effort to hide his appraisal.
“Elvish clothing suits you.”
A blush tinges my cheeks again, but I own it. I know I look good. I finally get to go out without having to magic my hair so I fit in with the rest of the kingdom. Here, I’m already so different, I might as well wear my true skin.
“Thank you, it’s very different,” I respond, brushing my hand down the flowing fabric. I grip my left wrist, and with it, my slave and Goddess marks. I don’t know where my original clothes went, but I can’t find my silver cuffs, and since this dress is sleeveless, there is nothing to hide them.
I was just thinking about how great it is to wear my own skin and not hide who I am. These marks show my past, they show I survived it. That’s nothing to be ashamed of,I think, and I know I’m right. Taking a deep breath, I uncover my marks, letting my hands rest at my sides. Vaeril watches me the whole time, and he nods his head slightly in approval, the corner of his lips pulling up into a half smile.
“I still find it odd to see you dressed up in clothing like this.” Changing the topic quickly, I gesture to his smart jacket and leggings.
“Ah, this is just court clothing. I’m far more comfortable in my work clothes,” he says with a shrug, pulling at the jacket. At the mention of work clothes, my mind flashes back to him working bare chested in only dark leggings as he laboured at the forge, the light from the fire glistening off his muscular body. “Will you join me for breakfast? I have some people I’d like you to meet.”
“Oh,” I murmur stupidly, trying to pull my thoughts from the images in my brain of his half naked body.
“You’ve met one of them already,” he assures me, misunderstanding my monosyllabic response for anxiety. “You’ll be safe, I promise.” Taking a step closer, he places a hand on my shoulder.
I shake my head, knowing full well he wouldn’t introduce me to anyone who would wish me harm. “I’m not worried about that,” I tell him.
“Then what?” Confusion crosses his features as he leans against the doorframe.
“These are your closest friends, I want to make a good impression,” I reason, hoping he’ll understand what I’m trying to say. It’s important to me that his friends don’t just think I’m a worthless human like the queen believes. “I’m pretty sure Eldrin hates me, we did meet while I was locked up in the dungeons, after all.” A humourless laugh escapes me, I’m not sure why I’m so frustrated about that.
Vaeril just shrugs, his half smile back in place. “Eldrin hates everyone.”
“Well, that’s reassuring.” Letting out a tense breath, I look up at him and groan internally. There’s no way he’s going to let me out of this.
As if my discomfort is amusing, his smile spreads, and I find myself staring at him again. I once wished he would smile like that more often, but now I’m glad he doesn’t, I’d never get anything done.
Holding out his arm for me, I reluctantly link mine with his. “Come.”
We exit my suite, and he pulls the door closed behind us before we slowly stroll through the bright, airy hallway. We pass a couple of doors on the way, along with a wall of windows that overlooks a beautiful courtyard, and I make a mental noteto go exploring soon. After a couple of minutes of walking in comfortable silence, we reach another door which Vaeril pushes open and leads me through.