“If it was anyone else, I would refuse, but he’s the prince.”

I wonder what the prince has planned. I’m looking forward to a day away from the priests, but Grayson’s words bring my thoughts to a screeching halt. Hewouldrefuse? There mayhave been a time when I would have allowed others to make decisions for me, but those days are over. Putting my spoon down, I sit back in my chair and stay silent until Grayson realises something’s going on and looks over at me again.

“Can I not make my own decisions?”

He at least has the decency to wince and look apologetic when he realises his mistake, but I’m not going to let him off that easily. A thought comes to me suddenly as he starts trying to explain himself.

“Of course, but I’m just—”

“Has anyone else ‘requested my company’ and you’ve declined on my behalf?” I should feel bad for interrupting him, for not letting him finish his explanation, but my temper gets the better of me. However, his silence and guilty expression soon takes away that feeling. “Grayson! If you want me to truly accept this life you’ve created for me, you have to let me actuallyliveit!”

“I was jealous, okay?” he retorts suddenly, throwing his hands up in the air in exasperation, although I get the feeling his frustration is aimed at himself rather than me. If I wasn’t already leaning back against the high-backed chair, I would be from his comment. Shock, disbelief, and a little bit of pleasant surprise runs through me as I try to come up with a response.

“What?” Not the most intelligent of responses, but my confusion is evident.

“I was jealous that he gets to spend time with you. One word from him, and you’re excused from working with the priests, yet I can’t convince them to let you go.”

A small part of me is disappointed he’s not jealous about the prince’s personal feelings for me. He’s only jealous that the prince has more power than him, that Jacob can get me out of my situation with the priests and he can’t. Like I’m an obligation he can’t fulfil.

Don’t be daft. Why would he want to get into a romantic relationship with you? He’s been your friend throughout, of course he’s upset he can’t help you,my inner voice chides and I realise it’s right. I shouldn’t be surprised, he’s tried to help me from the start. That’s the only reason he’s jealous, because he’s my friend and wants to protect me. I continue to try and convince myself of that as I eat my porridge, the awkward silence between us stretching.

A knock at the door saves me and I hear Jayne talking to our visitor before entering the dining room, a slight smile on her face as she looks at me.

“The prince is here to see you, Lady Clarissa,” she tells me. I know she’s using my title only because of his presence, but I have to smile slightly and shake my head at her antics.

“Thank you, Jayne.” Pushing away from the table, I leave my half-eaten breakfast and look over at the magician who’s watching me with a concerned frown. I’m still frustrated with him, but I can see why he did it. “I’ll see you later.”

He stands and strides to my side, grabbing my hand and stopping my exit. Turning, I look down and watch him brush his thumb over my Goddess mark, seemingly without even realising it. That tingling feeling fills my body as I feel his stare on me.

“Just be careful, I don’t trust him. Please.”

Glancing up, I see his worry and something within me clenches, wanting to make him feel better. Even if I could say no to the prince, Iwantto spend the day with him. I like Jacob, and although Grayson says I can’t trust him, I get the opposite impression.

“I’ll be careful, I promise.” I give him a smile as I say this, the one I reserve for him. It’s not guarded or forced like they are most of the time, and sure, it’s not an unrestrained grin full of happiness, but it’s one of trust. Grayson stares at me for along time before returning my smile with one of his own and gesturing for me to go.

“Don’t keep the prince waiting.”

Rolling my eyes, I walk from the room, feeling his eyes on me as I go. The prince is waiting by the front door, looking handsome in his royal green jacket, a small circlet of gold resting on his blond hair. He smiles as he sees me, lighting up the whole room before dropping into a small bow. I quickly hurry into a curtsy and he chuckles, offering me his hand.

“Good morning, Lady Clarissa. You look beautiful today.”

“Thank you.”

The atmosphere in the room suddenly changes and Jacob stiffens, his grip on my hand tightening. Following his tense gaze, I see Grayson has trailed after me and is staring at the prince.

“You’ll take care of her?”

I’m not sure what I expected him to say, but this wasn’t it. Glancing between them, the prince nods, his expression serious.

“With my life.”

Grayson seems to relax slightly, and after a quick glance at me he walks back into his chambers. Letting out the breath I hadn’t realised I was holding, I glance up at the prince who is still staring where the magician had just been, a frown marring his features.

“Your Highness?”

My soft question pulls him out of his thoughts as he drops his attention to me, smiling again as he guides me from the rooms and into the corridor.

“What have I told you about calling me ‘Your Highness?’” he teases lightly with a smile, so I know he’s not cross.