Looking around the room, I see many people are watching the tribesmen with suspicion, and Prince Rhydian is practically glaring at them. To their credit, the mountain people mostly ignore everyone else, talking boisterously amongst themselves as they tuck into the food served in large plates on the tables.

Placing some fish and potatoes onto my dish, I flash Grayson a grateful smile as I start to pick at my food. My appetite is increasing, but I still have to be careful. As I slowly eat, I tune out the sound of Grayson as he makes polite conversation with the men next to us, my attention on the mountain people and the man whose gaze never leaves me for long.

After the meal we retire to our rooms, Grayson leading me away, and I can feel eyes on me as we leave. Not only of the mountain man, whose name I still don’t know, but I can also feel Jacob’s heavy gaze, which didn’t leave me throughout the meal. I was relieved when Grayson suggested we leave.

I spend the rest of the afternoon with Jayne, chuckling at the stories she tells me of the servants’ antics when the nobles aren’t looking as she helps me dress for the ball. The gown she helps me into is stunning, a tight bodice with light, flowing organza sleeves which gather together in a thick cuff at my wrists. The skirt is multi-layered, the bottom tier hitting the floor with the top layers falling from my waist and gathering up behind me, making my hips look wider, giving me the womanly shape I’m lacking. The most beautiful thing about it is the colour. Stillblue, but the deepest blue of the night sky, and scattered on the dress are tiny sequins that are unnoticeable until I move, the light catching on them and looking like glittering stars. My hair is styled up into a bun with some blonde curls framing my face. Settled on top is a diadem with a single, deep blue gem resting on my forehead.

“I can’t wear this.” Reaching up, I place my hand on the diadem to take it off, but Jayne slaps my hand away.

“Yes you can. Master Grayson picked it himself.”

I try not to preen at the idea that Grayson selected this for me. I don’t know why it makes me feel warm that he personally chose my clothes, that he imagined me in them. My cheeks grow hot and I know Jayne notices as she smiles smugly, playing with some stray strands of my hair.

“It looks like a crown, won’t the royals be upset with that?” From what I know of them, they are cruel and fast to punish for any misdemeanours. The last thing I want to do is draw even more attention to myself. There is already enough whispering and attention on me without needing a glittering dress and crown to stir things up.

“They would expect you to dress up for a ball like this, anything less and they would take it as an offence against the prince. They’ll assume you don’t think he’s worth dressing up for.”

Rolling my eyes, I stare at myself in the mirror as I ponder Jayne’s words. Either way, there will be a lot of attention and gazes on me. At least I’ll have Grayson there to fend off anyone who tries to talk to me.

As if on cue, there’s a knock on the door. Jayne goes to open it and I turn from the mirror, smiling as I wait for the high mage to enter the room. For the first time I feel good. I know I look nice and I want to see his reaction when he sees me. I try not to delve too deeply intowhyI’m so eager for him to see me in this dress.

The door swings open and Wilson strides into the room with his usual gusto, and I have to work really hard not to show my disappointment when Grayson doesn’t follow him through.

“Mother above, Clarissa,” he whispers as he reaches my side, circling me with wide eyes. He’s uncharacteristically quiet, and it makes me nervous. Shuffling from foot to foot, I glance over my shoulder where I see he’s still walking around me, a gobsmacked look on his face.

“Do I look okay?” I hate how vain I sound, but I trust Wilson’s opinion and I don’t know how to interpret his silence. He finally comes back around to face me, his eyes wide with wonder and a strange feeling falls over me. It’s the same tingling feeling from the choosing ceremony, and my eyes lock onto the young magician as his magic flares for a second. It’s over before I know it, and confusion settles over me, but before I can say anything, Wilson takes my hand.

“You look like a queen.” Kneeling before me, he presses his forehead against my hand and stills, as if waiting for me to say something. Panicking, I raise my eyes and look at Jayne beseechingly, but she just shrugs, looking as confused as I feel.

“Um, Wilson. What’s going on?”

My voice seems to shake him out of his stupor as he stands back up, his eyes boring into mine, and I can see the moment his eyes clear. I’ve seen Grayson do this a couple of times, and it’s always when he receives a vision, so I’m assuming that’s what’s happening now. With a wide grin and slightly awe-filled expression, he takes hold of my other hand and takes a step back, admiring me.

“Sorry, the Mother sent me a vision,” he says, confirming my suspicions before pulling me into a hug. With an “oomph,” I’m roughly pulled into his embrace which I return with a chuckle, but after a second I push back from his touch. He’s not getting away that easily.

“Are you going to explain what just happened? You kneeled before me.” Pushing the fear away at the thought, I try to sound authoritative, but I know I failed because he just grins and shakes his head.

“I can’t tell you, the Mother was explicit in that.” Scowling, I try to walk away, fed up with never knowing what’s happening. Quicker than I would have thought possible, he grabs my wrist and pulls me to a halt.

“Know that you are exactly where you need to be.” His voice isn’t his own, his eyes glazed over again, and I swear I hear the Mother talkthroughWilson. Heart pounding in my chest, I nod dumbly, not finding any words. If the Mother says this is all I need to know, then I have to trust in her that she knows what’s best.

Eyes clearing once more, Wilson blinks and looks down at where his hand is clutching at my wrist. With a noise of surprise, he quickly let’s go, shaking his head as he mutters something quietly under his breath.

“Are you okay?” I inquire timidly, needing to know that Wilson is once again in charge of himself. Trusting in the Great Mother and seeing her take control of someone I love are two completely different things. I won’t lie in saying that she doesn’t scare me, especially when I see exactly how powerful she is.

“Yes, the Motherchoseme. To send a vision tome.” The awe in his voice breaks my heart a little. Grayson told me that Wilson has had a difficult life, and when he was chosen to be a magician that life didn’t get any better. He had a tough time at the academy and eventually came to work in the capital as one of the castle magicians. He’s never complained about his position or his lot in life, even though I’ve seen the looks that the others in the castle give him.

“Anyway, we should go. Grayson’s in a meeting, but he’ll meet us there.”

It’s only then that I realise he’s dressed in his smart uniform and I have a sense of déjà vu from the last ball I attended. Linking my arm with his, we walk through to the dining room, and with a quick good night to Jayne, we leave Grayson’s quarters.

The journey to the ballroom is quiet, we don’t speak much, content with each other’s company, but as we enter the main corridors the noise of people talking hits us. The hall is full of beautifully dressed people, much like the last time Wilson and I took this walk, and the voices dull to a hush as we walk through, many sets of eyes watching us, whispers following us.

“They’re just jealous that we look so damn good,” Wilson whispers to me, which puts a smile on my face. It’s a small one, but a smile all the same. Reaching the entrance of the hall, we pause as we’re announced before walking into the grand room and heading straight for the buffet table.

“I hate these things,” he whispers to me as he nods at a portly gentleman, the only other person by the food. Snagging a glass from the tray of a passing server, Wilson drinks half of the pale, sparkling liquid in one go.

“We don’t have to stay long, right? We just have to show our faces?” I question hopefully, as I glance around the room, spotting Aileen and the gentleman who I assume is her father from the resemblance between them. Wilson’s chuckle pulls my attention back to him, and I raise one eyebrow at his expression.