“No, I would love to, Your Highness.” The look of surprise on both their faces is almost worth it, but Michael’s soon turns into something else—the thrill of a challenge.
“Your Highnesses, is there a problem? We must continue with the ceremony.” I never thought I would be grateful to be interrupted by the high priest, but it’s the excuse I need.
“Yes, you’re right, thank you, High Priest. Please continue,” Jacob says with a nod of his head, heading back towards his throne, his brother following behind. But as I take my final steps towards the altar, I can feel their eyes on me. The high priest who was conducting the ceremony waits a moment for everyone to settle, giving a few stern looks until the whispers drop away. Clearing his throat, he adopts the serene look of a benevolent priest.
“Who here is offering Lady Clarissa to the Great Mother?”
“I am.” I almost sag in relief when I hear Grayson’s voice, someone familiar. Knowing there is someone here on my side makes me stand taller as he reaches my side. “I, High Mage Grayson of Lake Haven, offer Lady Clarissa to the Great Mother.May Clarissa be blessed and chosen in a way that serves Her will.” The room is silent with bated breath as the high priest turns to look at me with an expectant expression.
“Lady Clarissa, do you accept the blessing from the Great Mother and accept the path She has chosen for you?” His words hit me like a physical blow as I realise this is more than just accepting a blessing. I’m saying an oath that not only will I be blessed, but I am alsoacceptinga goddess given fate. Until today, I hadn’t thought that was possible, I wasn’t even sure I fully believed in the Great Mother. What if the fate She has chosen for me is not one I would have chosen for myself?
You were a slave, anything is better than that,my inner voice comments, and I realise it’s right. This truly is my chance to be something different,someonedifferent.
“Trust in the Mother,” Grayson whispers, his voice only loud enough for me to catch. Nodding, I look up at the frowning high priest and say the words that will seal my fate.
“I accept.”
For a moment, nothing happens, and I begin to think I was overthinking the oath I just took.
After all, they’re just words, right?
Electricity jolts down my spine, but it’s different than how it felt when I was watching the others. With the previous attendees, it was like little shocks, varying in strength, but this is something different altogether, like I’ve been hit with a bolt of lightning. It doesn’t hurt, but it’s like my whole body is alive, every nerve ending alight with feeling, almost to the point where it’s too much. My back arches as the sensation intensifies and I crumple to the ground, blackness engulfing me. The last thing I hear is Grayson calling my name.
Ilie there in the darkness, relishing the feel ofnothingnessafter the onslaught of electricity, until I slowly start to get the feeling I’m not alone. I’m not scared, this isn’t the darkness of nightmares, but more the darkness of a safe place with a loved one. The presence grows stronger, but I get the feeling they won’t approach until I’m ready. I don’t know how I know this, but they exude love and patience, making me feel comfortable in their space, because wherever this is, I’ve been brought here. There’s no doubt in my mind that I’m no longer in the chapel in Morrowmer. My body may be, but my mind is nowhere in Arhaven.
“I can feel you,” I say out into the darkness, feeling foolish, but I know they will hear me.
“As I can feel you, beloved.”
Beloved?Confusion rolls through me and a feeling of gentle amusement emits from the unseen presence. I can’t hear the voice, but I canfeelit deep in my soul. I get the impression that she’s female and in her embrace I do feel loved, even though it’s something I’m struggling to wrap my head around.
“Is it so hard to believe that you are beloved to me?”
Letting out a humourless laugh, I look around the darkness, my voice bitter. “But I am nothing. A slave, a criminal.”
“These are all the names that man has given you. They have taken much from you, your identity included.” A wave of emotions rolls over me, none of them my own—anger, frustration, and an overwhelming sense of sadness. “I know you by a different name…however, you are not ready to hear it just yet, so for now, you will be known as my beloved.”
“Who are you?” There is only one being this could be, but She would never appear to someone like me.
“I think you know that already, child.” Her words hit me like a physical blow, and if I wasn’t already sitting down, I would have been knocked back.
The Great Mother.
When I can finally think, I ask the question that’s plaguing my thoughts. “Why am I here? Why me?”
There’s a pause before the Mother replies and the darkness around us seems to ripple and change. “That is more complicated to explain, and I have little time, we’re about to be interrupted.”
“Interrupted? By who?” How can the Great Mother be interrupted? She’s all powerful and the thought that there’s someone strong enough to break through this connection is terrifying. No one should have that kind of power. The darkness ripples again and I swear I can see shapes moving in the distance, twisted, grotesque shapes made from nightmares.
“Our time is up.” Her words are rushed and urgent. “Know this, stay close to him, he will protect you.”
Confused, I push up onto shaking legs and spin around in the darkness, looking for the Mother, questions rolling through my mind. “Him... Do you mean Grayson?”
“I must go. Be strong, beloved. Don’t trust the priest.” Her words are distant as I feel her presence start to fade. The space around me constricts and I feel like I’m held in a tight grasp as the world seems to shake. The Mother's loving embrace disappears completely and an inky, evil feeling starts to surround me. I know it’s no longer the Goddess holding me, but something different, something hungry. Fear takes over my body, but I can’t move, not even to tremble as my breath stutters in my chest.
“No! She does not belong to the likes of you!” The Mother’s booming voice turns feral as a blinding light fills the space, so bright it breaks through my closed eyelids. A scream unlike anything I’ve ever heard before fills the area, tearing at my mind, and I feel something warm and wet trickle from my ears as I fade into the darkness.
“Back off! Give her some space!” The voice is loud and close to my head, making me wince. The sound of shuffling feet and shocked voices bounces around the room, aggravating my already pounding head. Why is everything so loud? Something brushes my hair and I screw my eyes shut as I try to sort through my jumbled thoughts. “Clarissa, can you hear me?” A low voice cuts through my confusion, and I open my eyes to see the concerned face of a high magician leaning over me.