"We'll meet for lunch tomorrow, okay? I'll call you. There's a new place down the street from me that has an amazing soup and sandwich combo."
I nod, amazed again that this is my life now.
Mom was right, of course. Anne and Bonnie lose themselves in the game almost immediately, and after humoring them for a bit, but mostly just smiling and nodding at each other every time Bonnie and Anne achieved something new, we decide to take off, too. Riot and Tex still have their old rooms in the school, but they use them more as hangout space than for living these days. We rearranged Ghost’s place and got a bigger bed. It’s not going to work long term, and the club is eyeing a row of run down houses on the other side of the wall, but for now we’re happy.
As we cross the compound, a tiny flake of white lands on my nose. "Snow? Seriously?" We all look up. It's not much, just a very light dusting, but for a part of the country that rarely gets any at all, it's like a sign. Like I made the right choice. My perfect Christmas, with my… well honestly imperfect guys, but they're perfect for me.
But it's cold too, so we hurry back inside where we can rely on shared body heat. As soon as we're in, the guys are more than ready to throw me on the bed, but I hold up a hand. "Stop! Wait!"
Ghost frowns. "Something wrong?"
That makes me smile. "No! Everything’s perfect. But I have presents for you guys."
"You didn't have to," says Tex, getting behind me so he can kiss me on the head. "You're gift enough for us."
"But I wanted to. And… well, I'm pretty sure you'll like them."
"Well, now I'm curious." Riot grins widely as he leans his butt against the top of the backrest of one of the chairs.
Out of a bag that I sneakily hid behind the leather couch, I pull out three boxes, rectangular, a little bigger than a regular piece of paper and a lot thicker. "One for each of you."
After a couple of curious glances, the three of them tear their gifts open. A sudden flash of nervousness hits me. They're pretty personal, and now I'm wondering if this was a good idea after all, but I'm already committed.
Riot's the first one to get his out. "It's a… calendar?" He's confused for almost a full second before he flips it open to January and grins. "Holy fuck, this is perfect."
Tex gets a glance of it, and then shreds the wrapper on his so he can get it open. Riot's already flipping through the months like a horny teenager who just discovered centerfolds. Because that's basically what they are.
Of me.
"I used my phone camera, so they're not really professional, but I got that little tripod and just… you know, tried. I printed everything out myself since I didn’t dare send it anywhere. And I found some ribbon to tie the pages together. They're all different, one for each of you." I'm rambling because I'm so nervous. "So they're real basic, but?—"
"Fuck, it’s perfect. This is giving me some ideas." Riot has stopped on one page and he's rotating it in front of himself like it'll get him a better angle. "Some serious, fucking ideas. Or some serious fucking, ideas."
Ghost looks up over his, and I have no idea which month he stopped on, but his eyes are smoldering so hard they're almost on fire. Maybe I didn't do so bad after all. "Bed. Now."
Merry Christmas to me, because I think I’m about to get exactly what I hoped for: three big, strong, dangerous, naked bikers who'd do anything for me.
And hopefully,tome.