“Then learn how to suck,” he laughs.
“Pretty sure I know how to suck,” I say with a sweet smile and laughter breaks out in the room. “If I remember correctly, you thoroughly enjoyed how I sucked last night.”
“I might need a reminder,” he says, pulling my hips against him. I gasp softly when his cock presses against me.
“I’m sure you have a video of last night,” I say, patting his cheek. “Don’t think I don’t know you still have cameras up.”
“I took them down last night before I left,” he smiles. “Until Halloween, I will be completely no-contact unless you come to me.”
“Oh, so I can touch myself and you won’t know,” I say.
“You sure can,” he laughs.
“Cool. I have some videos I should go home and watch then,” I say with a grin. He shakes his head before gently kissing me.
“Make your decision by 7:00 PM on Halloween. You will present yourself, if you choose to, in the common area with the rest of the prey. Just follow their lead and you will be walked through everything,” he says.
“You’re awfully confident I’ll show up,” I laugh.
“We will see, won’t we?”
“Oh, we will,” I say, still smiling.
“Go home and get some work done,” he says. “I will see you soon.”
“You think so?” I ask.
“You’d miss me too much,” he says. “Go on.”
“Okay,” I say happily. I kiss him once more before getting up. Laura winks at me before I leave.
As I am walking home, I realize that I am the happiest I have been in a long time. I feel content now that I understand everything. It should be a giant red flag that he wants to marry me not even a month after meeting me, but I have noreservations about it. Mom wouldn’t have brought me here if I wouldn’t be safe. I feel that this is a part of my destiny, and I am supposed to have faith in the good feelings.
I get into the house and go straight to my office so I can get some work done. I need to distract myself or I’ll end up asking him to come see me. It’s been only a few minutes, and I miss his presence. It’s different from what it was for the last week. Before I wanted him, but fought it out of fear. Now that I’m not fighting and I see that he is serious about this, I need more of him. I needallof him.
I close my office door and turn on music so I can focus. I realized that the sound doesn’t carry as far if I keep the office door shut, so I tend to work while closed up in the room. I am able to concentrate better if I have music to drown out the world.
When I get up to get some dinner, I hear the front door shut as soon I open my office door. “Hello?” I call out.
“Lucian, I thought you weren’t supposed to visit?” I ask, walking down the hallway to the living room. When I get there, the door is shut, and the deadbolt is locked. “Okay… this isn’t funny, asshole.”
I scream when I hear a door slam upstairs and I have an uneasy feeling in my chest. Lucian wouldn’t try to scare me. He would just push me over the couch and make me come. He doesn’t sneak around like this. If I call out to him, he always responds if he is near.
I go back to my office and grab my phone, shutting myself inside. I call Lucian and listen for his phone in this house.
“Miss me already? It’s been less than a day,” he says nonchalantly.
“I’m going to kick your ass if you’re trying to scare me,” I say, my voice trembling. I am praying that it’s him. It has to be him because the alternative is terrifying.
“What are you talking about, Elise?” he asks sincerely.
“You sneaking around. I called out, but you didn’t answer,” I say, trying to convince myself to not panic. When I hear another door slam, I scream again.
“I’m at home, Elise. What’s wrong? Is someone there?” he asks.
“It has to be you,” I say tearfully.