“Just Laura and I. No one else was awake,” he says.
“Do you two fuck?” I ask.
“We have once before, but we don’t now,” he says honestly.
“Like dating or?”
“No, like she was being punished and Bradley asked me for help,” he says.
“You and Bradley are dating?” I ask Laura.
“More like he corners me and fucks me senseless,” she laughs. “Maybe dating one day, but right now, we are friends. Only, he fucks my ass when I’m sleeping.”
“You don’t seem to mind,” I say.
“Not at all. I consented to taking certain herbs so that I sleep heavier. When he tells me to take them, I do. He videos the interaction and does what he wants,” she explains.
“And everyone gets to see that?”
“If they want. We all consent to the cameras viewable by others. The only ones who don’t currently have children in their homes,” she says.
“So, parents and caregivers are more reserved?” I ask.
“They still come to functions if their schedules allow, they are just not as open. One couple will upload videos on occasion,” she continues.
“So no one is hurting kids?” I ask.
“Not if they want to live,” Lucian remarks. “Is that what makes you hesitant? You’re afraid this dynamic includes hurting kids?”
“I… guess so,” I say. “I didn’t have the best childhood, so I tend to assume the worst in situations. It’s an automatic reaction, so I tend to just avoid others so that my triggers don’t get in the way.”
“No one in the gated community has children right now. Although, I am almost certain that Felisha might be pregnant,” Laura says. “We tend to only interact with those inside the gated area. We are essentially the board members of the town, so we play together. Big events, the town is welcome inside the gated area,” she explains.
“So that’s why you are doing all of this?” I ask Lucian. “You want everyone to participate for you to get me on board?”
“Mmm. No. I’m doing this because I want to,” he says. “Most everyone wants me to leave you alone because they don’t trustyou. After yours and Laura’s shared experience, they opened up a lot.”
“I assume now they like me?” I ask.
“They do. They know that I am serious, so they’re accepting of it,” he says.
“I’m missing something, aren’t I?” I ask.
“You are, but it will be explained,” he smiles.
“Why am I wearing this for you to explain this?”
“Because Laura thinks it’s funny to tease others,” he remarks. “I was not aware that her intention was to try and torture me, but here we are.”
“I didn’t know it was torture to see my nearly naked body,” I laugh. He smiles warmly at me, and his gaze melts me.
“You called what I do assault,” he says. “That is the second time now that you’ve called it assault, so I need to know where you are truly at mentally.”
“Is there such a thing as consensual assault?” I ask. “Because I am okay with the idea of being helpless to you.”
“Prove it,” he says.