“Why me?” I ask.
“Because I love to break down brats until they’re completely at my mercy and willing to do anything I say,” he says.
“You can’t just assault me into submission,” I say.
“Is that what this was?” he asks as he backs me against the wall behind me. “Did I assault you, Elise?”
“No,” I say honestly.
“Did you want it?”
“Does it matter?” I snap.
“Very much, Elise,” he says matter-of-factly. “If I wanted to rape you, I could have had my cock inside that beautiful cunt the first time you smarted off to me. I would have used every ounce of the power I have over you, because that is what rape is. It isn’t about fucking, and sweet Elise… I want to fuck you. I want to do depraved things while you beg me for mercy, but I want you to want it. When I chase you, I want you to look forward to your capture. Understand?”
“Yes,” I whisper.
“Go home and rest,” he says. I nod and he disappears into the room Laura is in. He has a mask on now, so I can’t make anyone out.
I stand here for a moment and watch, but they are all just talking. I take what little willpower I have left to force myself to go home.
Lucian is the devil. He is relentless and is determined to break me, but I have to fight until I can’t anymore. If he wants me to bow, he has to break me first. I am not easily broken.
When I get back to the house, I take a shower and take my sleeping medicine so I can curl up in bed.
Chapter Three
I check the camerason my phone and see that Elise has taken her sleeping pills and is sleeping now. Laura is beyond exhausted, so she is being taken home now. A few others have plans for public ceremonies, but this entire gathering was for the sake of Elise. Carol made a good call by mentioning it. Laura was eager to help her be introduced. Some are still reluctant, considering Jennifer knew very little of this world because of the cancer.
“Do you have a plan?” Bradley asks.
“Mhmm,” I say simply as we go upstairs to sit in the den.
“Which is?” he pushes.
“Halloween,” I say. “It’s also her birthday.”
“You think you can have her ready by then?” he asks. “That requires complete consent.”
“I am well aware, Bradley. I am the leader here, after all,” I remind him.
“You seem to be clouded by her.”
“You’re only saying that because this is the first time I’ve wanted to take a wife,” I laugh.
“Taking a wife in this world means you are stuck fucking her forever unless she allows you to take others,” he says.
“I don’t want others. If I take a wife, I plan on only fucking her,” I say. “Not everyone wants to fuck someone new every week. It has always been customary that the leader has one life partner.”
“Your father didn’t,” he says.
“Because my mother died. That is entirely different,” I say. “Since when does everyone think it’s okay to question me? I’m trying to be patient with you all because she is new to this community, but I’m not asking anyone’s opinion.”
“Have you even visited her?” he asks.
“I am tonight. She takes sleeping medicine, so it’s unlikely she will wake. I wanted to be sure of where she was with consent before visiting her,” I say.