Page 32 of His Obsession

“My biological father,” I say.

“Why would someone stalk the child of someone they raped?” Bradley asks.

“Think about it,” I say. “Mom was raped around her twenty-fifth birthday, right? I turn twenty-five on Halloween. They left a black rose indicating that they, basically, want to fuck me on my twenty-fifth birthday. What if that’s the connection? Turning twenty-five? Mom was dying and knew she wouldn’t make it to then, so she did what she could to get me here. She had no idea I would wait years to move here, but I did. When I said I thought Iwas destined to be here, this is what I meant. Being here… Being safe…finding Lucian.”

“So, we need to find out who raped your mother,” Lucian says.

“Yes,” I confirm.

“I’ll do some research to see if any other groups have been formed by previous members of the community in the last twenty-five years,” Bradley says.

“Let’s go down,” I say.

“I’ll go first, Mighty Mouse,” Lucian says, making me smile.

We go down to the basement and find that everything has been dumped out and sifted through. “Asshole,” I grumble. “I had everything so organized.”

“He was looking for something,” Bradley says.

“Carol said she wrote a lot, and I can’t find anything from around the time she was raped until about a year after I was born,” I say. “I bet he’s looking for that. She might have kept it separate.”

“She would have hidden it if she thought you were in danger,” Lucian says.

“So… what now?” I ask.

“Now, you need to stay with Lucian,” Bradley says. “Or he needs to stay here.”

“I don’t want to be alone,” I say, but it would be easier to go through things if I were here.

“I can stay here, if you want,” Lucian says. “I can stay on the couch or in a guest room downstairs.”

“No,” I frown. “Sir, you’ve had your dick in my throat more times than I can count. You can stay in my room with me.”

“Okay,” he laughs. “Understand that tradition still holds. I won’t do anything to you without you asking.”

“So, I can just tease you all week by wiggling my ass against your dick all night?” I ask with a grin.

“I am not above jerking off and making you watch,” he says seriously.

“Fuck, I am definitely doing it now,” I laugh.

“I’ll go finish up the meeting. You two get some rest and sort through shit tomorrow,” Bradley says. “I’ll bring you some clothes, Lucian, and I’ll come to change the locks before I turn in for the night.”

“Okay,” Lucian says as we walk upstairs. “Everyone’s gate code needs to be changed tonight and my old code needs to be deleted.”

“I think Carol is working on gate codes with everyone right now. I’ll get with those living in town who need one a new code tomorrow.”

“Night,” I tell Bradley.

When he leaves, we go through the house and shut the lights off while checking every window and door to ensure it is locked before we go upstairs.

“You never did eat dinner,” Lucian says.

“I don’t think I could eat right now,” I say honestly.

“Can you take your medicine without food?” he asks.

“Yeah. I just can’t do it often,” I say. “I’ll make sure to have a decent breakfast tomorrow.”