Leaving Savannah and me alone.
And Pablo.
I eye the cat suspiciously. “Is he wearing a harness?”
Shrugging, Savannah rubs the spot behind his little ear. “What can I say? He likes to go on walks.”
Laughter climbs my throat. “You really are the definition of a cat lady, aren’t you?”
Her mouth tugs upward in a tired smile. “I’m an equal opportunist, Owen. I willingly give affection to anyone I think needs it. Cats. Dogs.”
“People, too?” I ask, closing the distance between us. After the day we’ve had, all I want is to hold her—and I don’t give a damn if that makes me a sap. “Or just animals?”
“On what?”
“How they make me feel,” she murmurs when I slow to a stop in front of her. She’s completely relaxed against the sofa. Shoes gone, legs crossed beneath her, shirt collar parted and slipping down her shoulder. It’s been a long eight hours, but I feel my cock stirring even now. This woman . . . Christ, she ramps me up like no one else ever has.
“Rose,” I say, huskily, “get rid of the cat.”
“Or what?”
“Or you’re going to be responsible for when he draws blood because I’m kissing the hell out of you.”
That tired smile of hers widens. “Well, when you put it that way, say no more. I’m all for protecting your oh-so-sensitive skin.”
The sentiment heats my blood even as I laugh heartily at her wise-cracking humor.
With a little scratch to his twitching ears, Savannah releases Pablo. He jumps to the floor, skirts around me like I’m enemy number one, and slinks off. Needing Savannah close, I drop to my knees on the cushions, straddling her thighs. Prop my hands on the back of the sofa and lower my head to press a kiss to her temple. “Thank you,” I whisper.
Her hands land on my back, on either side of my spine. Softly, she digs in her fingertips, like she’s trying to relieve my tense muscles. “For what?”
“You came.” I shake my head, my eyes squeezing shut. “I’m not even sure what went down today.”Aside from all my dirty laundry being aired for the entire world, that is. “But when you walked in that door . . . I didn’t even realize how much I needed you until that moment. You handled the crowd like a pro.”
“You did the heavy lifting. I only smiled and posed.”
“Yeah, for how many times, though? Fifty? A hundred?”
“I honestly lost count.”
Yeah, me too. One butterfly. Fifteen butterflies. Thirty butterflies. At one point, they all melded together. If I never have to ink another butterfly again, it’ll be too soon.
Finger to her chin, I inch her head back so I can brush my lips over hers. The last few times we’ve kissed, it’s been raw, an all-consuming desperation. This kiss is gentle in comparison. I keep it light. Easy. A promise for what’s to come more than any sort of delivery right now. Pulling away, I push off the sofa and onto my feet. Hold out my hand for her to take. “Let me walk you back to your car so you can head home and get some sleep.”
Ignoring my hand, she clambers off the sofa with a groan. Looking like her worst nightmare has come to life, she toes over her stilettos and slowly begins to put them on. “I’ll stay. Tell me what you need me to do.”
“Don’t Savannah me. Do you need me to sweep?” She glides past me. Okay, more like she hobbles. The woman is too stubborn for her own good. “Maybe take out the trash after all those towels y’all used?” She faces me, her hands planted on her hips. “I promise I’m not so much of a princess that I don’t know how to work a dumpster. I even have moderately toned arms capable of heavy lifting.”
Fuck, this girl.
I step toward her, then. Without preamble, I cup her face with both hands and crush my lips down over hers. She tastes sweet. Tempting.Affectionate. Her fingers circle my wrists, holding on, holdingtight, while I ravage her mouth. Kissing Savannah—wanting Savannah—is what got me onCelebrity Teain the first place, but I can’t find it in myself care.
Only . . .
My lungs squeeze at the memory ofexactlywhat the tabloid reported. Jail. The fight. Shattered bones and hospital beds. With tense shoulders, I tear myself away from Savannah and fall back a step.