To:Mina Pappas
From:Nick Stamos
Re: Re: Subject:question about flooring
Wow. Throw down the gauntlet and tear my heart out.Italian? You don’t like cannoli so that can’t be the draw. It’s the pasta, isn’t it?
And ask away.
P.S., I’m feeling all right. My pride is more bruised than my leg ever was. All’s well over here.
P.P.S., We’re happy to help, Ermione. I know it’s not easy but we’ll get you back in there soon enough, I promise. Trust me on this.
To:Nick Stamos
From:Mina Pappas
Re: Re: Re: Subject:question about flooring
Mr. Stamos, you didn’t answer my question about the slate floors. Do a girl a favor and tell me you didn’t axe something important . . . like a toilet.
P.S., Your pride can handle the fall. Your butt too—it’s made of 100% steel, right?
P.P.S., It’s totally the pasta. Carbs are my worst enemy (after you, of course) but also my fiercest lover. As for my question . . . are you a fan ofLord of the Rings?
To:Mina Pappas
From:Nick Stamos
Re: Re: Re: Re: Subject:question about flooring
Toilet’s out. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I’ve decided to dig a hole in the ground and buy one of those pop-squatter things from the store. Cheap and efficient, and you can admire your pretty slate floors as your clients throw fits about the lack of restrooms. You’re welcome, Mina.
P.S., All steel, baby.
P.P.S., Two things. 1) Elijah Wood may have done a good job as Frodo, but that doesn’t mean Frodo isn’t the dumbest character on the face of the planet. STAY IN THE SHIRE, FRODO. 2) My precioussss.
P.P.P.S., In case you couldn’t tell from above, the answer to your question is . . . yes.
To:Nick Stamos
From:Mina Pappas
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Subject:question about flooring
You never cease to surprise me.
P.S., I left you a gift on the receptionist’s desk. Because I love to spoil surprises, here are the details: it’s an empty box, fitted perfectly for the size of your heart if I learn you did away with my toilets or anything else important. You’re welcome, Nick.
Returning home after the stairwell debacle wasn’t my first choice.
To be honest, it wasn’t my second choice either . . . or my third.
I wait for guilt to assail me for preferring to beanywherebut where my parents are, but it doesn’t come. It rarely does.