“I need to go.”
She blinks, then snatches up the comforter to drag over her lap.Thank God.“Where?”
“Downstairs.” Away. I need to go swing some hammers—andnotthe one in my pants that’s offering to do the pounding. “With the guys.”
“The guys?” A low, long breath falls from her lips, as though she’s done too much strenuous activity. Like sit up and flash me, and stare at my erection. All in a day’s work around here, I guess. “Did you use the key I gave you?” she asks.
Hello, Saint Nick is on vacation this week. Please leave your message after thebeeeeep!
If only my life was as easy as a voicemail recording. I could excuseallsorts of not-so-nice-guy behavior. Like climbing onto the mattress, laying my body out over Mina’s, and showing her all the ways I’d love to—
No, nope.
Time to go.
I step back. Then take another and another until my hand is fisting the doorknob and Mina’s watching me like I’ve taken a hiatus from my life to join the loony bin.
“Nick?” she presses, brow furrowed. “The key?”
Oh, yeah. Not my finest moment for obeying the law. “We picked the lock.”
Her eyes go wide, but I leave before she has the chance to say anything else. I make it to the hallway outside of her apartment, where I twist around and shove my back against the door. The heel of my palm goes straight to my cock, and I apply pressure, easing the ache.
The ache thatMinaput there.
If it weren’t so preposterous, I’d laugh. Except the laughter never comes, and it takes me a full five minutes to think of clowns, and my grandmother walking in on me naked, and bankruptcy, and Vince trying to hit on my sister way back when, for my cock to finally get the hint.
Mina isnoton the menu.
Not now. Not ever.
To:Nick Stamos
From:Mina Pappas
Subject:Dreaming of you
Okay,how’s that for a subject line? Did it catch your attention? I’m practicing for when I start sending out newsletters for the salon. Did you know that the average open rate is 24.79%?? 24%!!! (According to Google, anyway, and we all know Google is the real deal). If your reading this, that means you fell in that 24% and I’m doing something right. YAY!
Anyway, back to the original purpose of this email: I dreamt you were in my apartment? I woke up to all the walls gone in the salon, a note from you on the receptionist’s desk, and a cup of untouched coffee on my nightstand.
Were you my knight in shining armor? Am I going to have to report toTMZthat you’re the best fake-boyfriend to ever exist?
P.S., Thank you for emailing your plans for the salon last night. They’re stunning and I feel a little teary-eyed that this is actually happening. Sometimes dreams really do come true.
To:Mina Pappas
From:Nick Stamos
Re: Subject:Dreaming of you
Guess I’m in that 24.79% (that’s an oddly specific number) because here I am responding. Although, can I give a little bit of advice? Looking out for your best interest, of course. But when you’re creating the subject line, add in the personalization.