Something else had happened. I just knew it.
I crossed my arms over my chest and cleared my throat. “And what about that cut on your lip? Did that happen when you fell? And your fists? Did you crash into a window?”
“Yeah, do tell.” Jake narrowed his eyes at Max. “You didn’t break my house, did you?”
“I sparred with Wade,” Max answered. “Before I had the accident of course. My muscles were probably still aching, so I wasn’t able to fall as gracefully as I wanted.”
Really? I still didn’t believe it.
“Anyway, I’ll go rest now,” Max said. “I’m a bit tired.”
That I could believe.
He turned to Jake. “Help a man up the stairs, will you?”
“Sure.” Jake placed Max’s arm around his shoulder. “Hold on tight.”
I stepped aside, watching them go up the stairs.
“Would you like me to get you something?” I asked. “Anything?”
Regardless of how Max got hurt, I was still worried about him after all, and I wanted to help take care of him.
“Not now,” he answered. “But maybe have dinner with me tonight in my room?”
I glanced at the door. “Wade didn’t come with you?”
I would have thought if Max was injured, Wade would have brought him home.
“No,” Max answered. “He’s a little busy at the moment.”
Was that why he hadn’t been replying to my messages? But busy with what?
“Don’t worry. I’m sure he’s thinking about you,” Max told me.
I blushed. “I wasn’t…”
“I was when I was away, but I knew you weren’t alone.” He looked at Jake. “So, what have the two of you been up to while I was gone?”
“Nothing much,” Jake answered.
I saw his cheeks burn, though, and I felt mine do the same as I remembered what we did to keep busy the past few days.
Nothing much except kissing and cuddling in front of the fire. Or getting all wrapped up in each other in bed.
Max seemed to know it, grinning. “Well, I’m glad the two of you were able to loosen up and unwind, maybe release some pent-up tension.”
I felt myself blush harder, so I looked away.
“Don’t worry,” Max said. “You don’t need to tell me all the details.”
I heard them take another step then stop.
“Wait a sec,” Jake said. “You didn’t install cameras in every room here, did you?”
My heart stopped. I hadn’t thought of that either.