“She’s at a place called Letty’s Diner in Fernvale,” I said. “I told her to stay there until I arrive.”

She had offered to meet me somewhere halfway on the bike she had used to get away from Clyde, but I refused, knowing the roads in Fernvale had many dangerous curves. It was a feat in and of itself that she had managed to escape to the diner.

Max pulled the place up on a map on the big screen. “That’s an hour from here.”

“Not if you let me borrow one of your bikes,” I told him.

I could be there in forty minutes, maybe thirty.

No. I was going to be there.

Max grabbed his phone. “I’m coming with you. The men I’ve got on standby are coming, too.”

“So am I,” Wade said, standing up.

I gave him a frown. “Have you forgotten that you just got shot?”

Wade shrugged. “That’s precisely why I have to go. Besides, I don’t need to be perfectly healthy to shoot a gun.”

I sighed. A part of me wanted to argue with him some more, but I knew that once Wade made up his mind, there was no turning back. Besides, we didn’t have a second to waste.

“Fine,” I told him and Max. “Let’s go.”

We were about to exit the dim theater when Irina appeared in the doorway, a woman with silver hair, and a man in a black leather jacket standing beside her.

My eyes grew wide. “Billie? Mike?”

What were they doing here?

Billie stepped forward to give me a hug. “Oh. It feels like ages since I last saw you.” Then she looked at my face and frowned. “You look like you’ve aged, too.”

“After you had that meeting with us yesterday, we all talked,” Mike said. “And while we felt a bit hurt that you didn’t tell us everything in the beginning, we all agreed that you were doing your best to protect us and keep the gang together. That’s why we’re here to support you.”

My eyebrows arched. “We?”

“There’s a bunch of them outside,” Irina explained.

Mike scratched the back of his head. “We hope you don’t mind, Max. We kind of found the address of this place on the internet.”

“It’s fine,” Max said. “It’s not your fault everyone now knows everything about me now.”

Billie grinned at him. “I’ve always known you were special. But enough of all this. George told me everything that’s happened. Let’s go get your girl back, shall we?”

“Actually, she just called,” I told Billie. “She’s at a diner in Fernvale. We were about to go get her.”

“We’ll go with you,” Mike offered. “We’re worried about Lauren, too. And we want to stick it to this Clyde bastard who thinks he can mess with our family.”

His words made my chest swell with gratitude and pride. We at Black Storm were a family, all right. I should never have forgotten that.

Billie patted my back. “I’ll stay here and fix up a feast for when you guys get back. I’m sure you’ll all be hungry. Lauren, too.”

“Thank you, Billie,” I told her.

“The kitchen is all yours,” Max added.

I looked at Max, then Wade, then Mike. “Let’s go get Lauren back where she belongs.”

Lauren wasn’t at the diner, though. The place had been turned upside down just like Billie’s, shattered dishes on the floor and puddles on the counter. There was only one person around, a waitress huddled behind the counter who was too scared to speak. At least, that was what I thought until I heard a clatter from the kitchen.