Dr. Mathers looked at Max and me. “I’ll have to run a few more tests and observe her more, but she may be experiencing some memory lapses due to her injury.”
“Memory lapses?” I felt confused. “You mean she has amnesia?”
“Amnesia?” Max echoed, concern in his voice.
Dr. Mathers shrugged. “Like I said, I’ll have to run more tests to be sure, but it does look like a case of partial or dissociative amnesia. It’s not unusual in cases of head injuries, and she should recover her memory completely quite soon.”
“How soon?” Lauren asked.
Dr. Mathers looked at her. “I can’t say for sure, but spending time with people who care about her should help.”
“I’ll take care of you,” Max promised, taking another step forward so he was standing in front of Lauren.
She looked at him with eyes glimmering with hope and her lips close to being in the shape of a smile. “I’m…staying with you?”
Max scratched his head. “Well, not exactly, since I don’t have a place of my own, but I promise I’ll find a place for you to stay. Somewhere nice with everything you need. So don’t worry about it. For now, just stay here and rest.”
He took off her jacket. As it fell off her arms, I noticed the mark near her elbow. Max had mentioned that she had cuts evenbefore her accident, but this was neither a cut nor a bruise. It was a birthmark. One shaped like half a butterfly’s wing.
My breath left me as I remembered seeing one just like it before.
No, exactly like it.
On a girl with curious emerald eyes and wavy, dark brown hair.
I glanced at the pendant on her necklace. I hadn’t noticed it earlier, but now, I saw that it was a butterfly holding a cursive letter “L”, something I had also seen before on that same girl.
A girl who I now remembered also had the name Lauren and a mother named Melinda.
A girl who would be a woman in her early twenties by now.
I knew this was her, the Lauren whose sweet smile used to brighten my day. I never thought I’d see her again, yet here she was, right in front of me, all grown up.
She was an adorable child back then. She was a stunning woman now. Even with just a drab hospital gown on, I could see how much her body had matured, the peaks of her breasts poking through their thin cotton prison.
Heat welled up in my chest and rose in my throat. I swallowed and shoved my desire back into the depths of my gut and my head.
Yes, Lauren was a woman now, but she was still way younger than me. And she was all alone now. And she had amnesia.
I had to look after her.
No, I was determined to.
“She can live with us,” I told Max.
Max looked at me with wide eyes. “What?”
I looked at Lauren. She also looked shocked and confused. Her eyebrows arched, and her lips parted, but I had already made up my mind.
“Once Lauren gets out of this hospital, she is coming to live with us.”
Chapter Three
“Here we are. Home sweet home.”
I put the shopping bags filled with Lauren’s new things down on the living room carpet and watched her green eyes grow wide as she took in the interior of the house she was going to live in.