“You’re the one who was riding with Jake two days ago, weren’t you?” Mr. Purple asked.
I frowned. “Let me guess. You’re the asshole who tried to get us both killed.”
“Oh please. All I did was stop in the middle of the road. Jake would have easily avoided me, and he did. Well, not easily, though, since he wasn’t the one driving. Still, no harm was done. Normally, he’d just let it pass, and yet, this time, he took revenge.”
My eyebrows arched. Jake did what?
The devil with the purple hair pulled me closer. “Which means you must be important. Actually, we heard you’re Max’s girlfriend.”
They did? How?
I stuck out my chin and looked straight into my captor’s eyes. “Then you heard wrong. Max isn’t my boyfriend.”
Not anymore,, anyway.
He shrugged. “Whatever. You’re still someone important to Jake, which means our boss has to meet you. Come on.”
He started to drag me to his bike. I tried to resist as best as I could.
“Shouldn’t I be going with Jake?” I asked.
He grinned. “Don’t worry. For sure Jake will follow, though maybe not after the boss and you have become…good friends.”
I shuddered, knowing what he meant. There was no way I was going to let some biker gang leader do whatever he wanted with me.
“Let me go!” I struggled harder to free myself, but his fingers dug into my arm, hurting me. “Or I’ll scream.”
Mr. Purple chuckled. “In case you haven’t noticed, there’s no one around, sweetheart. And the people in this town know better than to get involved with us bikers.”
“I’m not your sweetheart.” I tried to pry his fingers off me one by one. “Let me go!”
He frowned and grabbed my other hand. “Listen, missy. You either behave and ride on the back of my bike or my friend here will put you to sleep and bring you to the clubhouse on the back of his. Either way, we’re taking you to see the boss.”
I glanced at his bald companion, who already had one hand curled into a fist, driving it into the palm of the other.
“Fine,” I said. “I’ll behave.”
Maybe I could jump off when I was on the back of his bike? It would be dangerous, but I was getting desperate.
Mr. Purple smiled. “Good decision. Now, come along and…”
He stopped talking as we heard two bikes approaching, two men in black leather jackets on them. My heart skipped a beat.
Jake! He must have received my message.
Sure enough, after a few seconds, I saw Jake get off his bike. Wade, too. Now, I could finally breathe.
Jake and Wade walked toward me, their jaws clenched and their eyes narrowed. I could almost see the steam coming out of their ears.
Wade spoke first. “Let her go.”
Mr. Purple didn’t obey. “Easy,” he said. “We’re only doing what the boss told us to do.”
Wade prepared his fists. “And I’m only going to do what my boss told me to do.”
“You started this!” I could sense my captor’s panic in his voice. “You trashed my bike. I thought we were supposed to keep bikes out of our fights.”