“I thought Lauren was with Jake,” I said. “Why couldn’t he bring her home?”

Wade shrugged. “He said he had some personal business to take care of.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Really?”

That was unusual. Then again, Jake had already pulled off the biggest surprise when he suggested that Lauren live with us.

“That’s why he asked me to bring Lauren home,” Wade said.

“And?” I could only guess there was something more, something important, or Wade wouldn’t be looking and sounding so solemn.

Wade looked me in the eye and drew a deep breath. “I kissed Lauren.”

My eyebrows arched. Okay.

He scratched the back of his head. “I was trying to get her into Billie’s truck, but she was drunk and acting like a child, so she was getting on my nerves, and I…I just had to shut her up. So I kissed her. I’m sorry.”

So that’s what happened.

I could see how it had. I knew Wade. He hated it when things didn’t go his way, and as cold as he seemed on the outside, he was more easily swept away by his feelings than either Jake or myself. Once, when I had just started living with him and Jake, we had a fight over a roast beef sandwich. Petty really, but we ended up using our fists and exchanging blows. When it was over, we just laughed about it.

“Max, are you…laughing?” Wade looked completely puzzled.

I smiled. “I just remembered something.”

Wade’s eyebrows furrowed even more. “So you’re not angry?”

I probably should have been since I was supposed to be Lauren’s boyfriend, but strangely, I wasn’t. I wasn’t jealous either. Maybe because I had seen this coming. Yesterday, when the three of us were on the patio having breakfast, I already noticed the way Wade looked at Lauren—like a wolf sizing up its prey. And there was a moment when she looked at him, too, her gaze lingering on his chest as if she could see through his clothes. When their gazes met, both of them blushed. It made me think they were attracted to each other, and it made me happy. After all the mess Wade had been through, I thought he had given up on himself, but I was glad to see he still wanted something. Or someone. I had a feeling Lauren would be good for him.

She would be good for Jake, too. They, too, looked a little cozy yesterday, Lauren smiling as she tried to get the handle on riding the motorcycle in the driveway and Jake watching her with a look on his face that I’d never seen before. Happy. Excited. Watching them, I just couldn’t help but feel happy for them, too. I was going to say goodbye, but I just couldn’t bring myself to interrupt their magical moment.

“Well?” Wade asked.

I leaned forward and patted his knee. “Don’t worry. It’s all good.”

His eyes grew wide. “Really?”

“Really.”. I stood up and offered him my hand. “Thanks for telling me, though.”

That alone told me he was still the same Wade I knew and trusted.

He shook his head and gripped my hand. “No problem.”

I grabbed my towel and my water bottle. “Are you going to do more reps?”

He nodded. “Yeah.”

“Then I’m leaving first,” I told him. “I have to get Lauren some Thai curry. I’ve read it’s the perfect food for hangovers.”


“Mmm.” Lauren licked her lips after gulping down the last spoonful of her curry and rice. “That was amazing.”

I took her bowl from her. “Feel better?”

“Much,” she said before drinking the water I had set down with her food. “Though I don’t think I’ll be drinking anytime soon.”

“Here,” I told her, passing her a banana. “Eat that too, if you can.”