"Never hurts to have a reminder, man," I said in a forced lighthearted tone.What the hell is wrong with him?
He just shook his head and ran off.
I took in a huge breath, determined not to say anything against the dude. I couldn't believe it, but I was pretty sure I disliked him even more after that than before—which was definitely saying something.
I trained my gaze on Tory, trying to figure out if all was okay with them.
"How are you doing?" I asked her.
She smiled weakly. "It's been a bit busy lately. Tensions are running high. But I think you're right. Once the wedding starts, we'll be able to relax and enjoy it. At least I hope so."
"I'm sure of it. Do you have any free time at all to catch up with an old friend over coffee?"
That megawatt smile was back. Fuck, I loved it. Why was Walter such a moron? He should have been keeping this woman smiling all the time.
"That's a great idea. I need some energy anyway. The day has drained me." She wrapped an arm around mine, and I patted her hand. "I'm so happy you’re here a bit early."
"You know me. I'm chronically late, but I didn't want to be late to my best friend’s rehearsal dinner."
We went through the lobby, but in the opposite direction from the reception.
"Do they have good coffee here?” I asked. “Or we could head over to Café Du Monde.” The receptionist had recommended them.
"How about here? I don't have that much time, and I'd rather not waste it running back and forth. And besides, the wedding planner is still around. She keeps remembering things randomly and comes to find me."
I nodded. "Then coffee at the hotel it is.”
"Thanks for being so understanding."
I stopped in my tracks and put both hands on her shoulders as I stood in front of her. "Tory, this day, this weekend, it's all aboutyoubeing happy. Don't try to accommodate me. Besides, I'm easygoing—you know that."
"God, I’ve missed you so much." Out of nowhere, she hugged me. I hugged her right back, inhaling her apple fragrance.
She'd never changed it in all these years. If you blindfolded me and gave me a hundred perfumes to smell, I’d recognize this one without a second's hesitation. It was simply Tory.
"I’ve missed you too," I murmured.
She didn't say anything for a few seconds, and I simply held her. Clearly, she needed it. Gran's voice resounded in my ears."A kind word and a hug never hurt anyone. If anything, they can save a life."
"Gran says congratulations, by the way," I said out of the blue. "And she wishes you all the happiness in the world."
Tory straightened up. To my astonishment, she was sniffling.
"Tory?" My voice sounded panicked, but I was completely out of my depth. My brothers’ significant others often said that there were happy tears and sad tears, but I couldn't comprehend the concept of happy tears. And right here, right now, Tory didn't look happy at all.
"Um, let's head to the coffee shop and find a table in a corner." She didn't want anyone to see her tearing up. Got it.
"I'm on it," I assured her.
It was more difficult than I’d anticipated to find a secluded table, mostly because the coffee shop slash bar was in the middle of a huge room that was connected to the garden in the backyard, but I finally found a table near a wall that had plants offering a bit of privacy around it. I pointed for Tory to sit where she had her back toward the open space.
"Decaf cappuccino with almond milk and two spoonfuls of sugar?"
She opened her mouth and closed it. "You remember that?"
"It's coming right up.”
I walked up to a waiter and gave him our order, adding an espresso for myself.