Page 20 of Loving the CEO

"Well, there you go. If you haven't been doing your duties, no wonder he had to look for fun somewhere else. I didn't take you for a prude."

A loud clang came from the kitchen. I swallowed hard.

Shoot, that’s the last thing I wanted Leo to hear.

"Mom, I love you, and I respect you, but I won’t let you treat me like this and blame this on me.He'sthe one who cheated. He should deal with the fallout."

"You embarrass his family, and all the opportunities in New Orleans will be closed to you. Hell, in all of Louisiana."

Mom still seemed to live in a century where you needed to have a good last name to be accepted in the world. She always blamed her station in life from not having come from the “right” family. I knew things were tough for us as she raised me on her own, but I hated that she couldn’t celebrate all she’d accomplished rather than being bitter about what had happened.

"I'm my own woman. I don't need anyone's name for anything. Now, please leave."

"You're kicking me out? Your own mother? We aren’t done with this conversation. My God, I raised you better than this."

"No, wearedone, and I’m asking you to leave. This conversation is simply over, and I would like to rest."

"Tory—” Mom pleaded.

"Mom, no, really."

I walked past her, opening the door for her to leave, and noticed a small suitcase right next to the entrance. It was probably Leo's carry-on. The hotel had sent it over, which would explain how Mom even got the address of the B&B. She probably coerced someone at the front desk for the info.

"Darling, you know what? Don't make any decisions now. I won't tell anyone we spoke. If you change your mind, I'm sure that you can still make amends with Walter. He doesn't want to look bad either. And no matter whose fault it was—"

"His! Damn it, Mom.His. Can you be on my side for once?"

"Darling, it's better to hear the truth from me than a stranger."

I scoffed. "Thanks, Mom."

"I’m telling you this for your own good. A mother’s prerogative is always to tell her children the truth."

I didn't want to argue with her on her parenting skills. She'd always had very strict ideas about what a parent's role was and wasn’t. This wasn't the time or day to bring that up.

"I haven't done anything wrong. This is on him. I won’t go anywhere near the hotel ever again. I’ll call you before I leave for Boston." I gesticulated around with my hands, and it felt so good not to have Walter berate me that it wasn’t “elegant.”

Mom frowned. "I wish you’d think about me, too, not just about yourself."

My eyes bulged. "Good evening, Mom."

The second she stepped outside, I closed the door firmly.

I pressed my forehead to the door, drawing in a deep breath as I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen. I turned around when I felt Leo’s warmth behind me. "So, you like to eavesdrop?"

"Your voice carries, and it wasn't possible to shut it out."

"As you can see, Mom hasn't changed much."

"What was that about Boston?" Leo asked. A smile was inching onto his face.

I rolled my shoulders back and clasped my hands together. "Let's book my ticket."

Mom's visit was all it took to convince me that this was the right decision. I'd catch shit from absolutely everyone except Debbie, but I wasn't running away. I was putting up some very strong boundaries, and being miles away would help.

Chapter Five
