Slowly, I was recognizing the sassy girl I fell for in college.
Not fell for, Leo. Befriended.
Usually, I'd give someone privacy for such a conversation, but I wanted her to know that I was ready to step in whenever she needed me to, ready to protect her. Hell, I'd do anything to make sure that no one hurt her again.
“Tory, come on. You can't be serious. That was nothing.”
Fucking hell, I wished the guy's voice wouldn't carry like that. It only made me see red.
“It sounded like it's been going on for months. You planned to sneak out of the hotel room to spend the night with her before our wedding day.”
I stilled completely. She'd overheard him telling his mistress that? Fuck, I couldn't imagine a worse way to get your heart broken.
“She means nothing. A quick fuck. I was going to marry you, wasn't I?”
"Oh God, I can't even.”
“Listen to me. I don't care what the fuck you think or feel. You can't make a fool of me. Get your ass back here for the dinner, and we’ll talk about the rest after.”
"I'mmaking a fool ofyou? Fuck you."
She disconnected the call, throwing the phone on the bed. “I need another suitcase. Actually, you know what? Never mind. I don't want to be here one second longer. I have more than enough in this one bag. We can go.”
“I’ll find a hotel for us.”
“I'll give you my credit card.”
“Stop, Tory.”
“No, really, this is my—”
"Tory," I said in a warning tone. "Let me take care of you, okay? I don't want you to think about any of that."
"I'll pay you back," she promised. "As soon as I get my shit together."
“No way in hell. I'll book us a hotel that’s as far as possible from the Marriott."
"Yes, please." The relief in her voice gutted me.
I looked on In the background, I could hear her moving around, probably gathering a few more things while she waited on me. I found a five-star accommodation that looked more like a B&B in the Garden District. That would do.
"I've got it," I said loudly.
"Good. I'm done."
I focused on her stuffed bag and whistled.
"Think we can close that?" she asked me.
"Oh, come on. We've done worse, Tory."
She laughed. "Remember that one time my bag fell apart when I was flying home for Christmas?"
"Vividly, but this one won't break."
I pressed down on it with my left palm and zipped it with my right hand. It was child's play. I lifted it from the bed. It was heavy as hell, but that meant Tory didn't have to come back here for a while.
I kept a close eye on her as we slowly walked out of the bedroom. She seemed in a bit of a daze, looking around the house. I couldn't even fathom what was going through her mind. I put a hand on her back as we descended the staircase.