After breakfast, he and Seren went for another walk, and he showed her the cabin, which was just minutes from his parents’ home. The three-bedroom cabin had exposed-beam ceilings, hardwood floors, and a fireplace mantel made from the trunk of an old tree.

“It’s beautiful,” she said, standing in the kitchen and looking out the bay window at the snow-covered trees. “I really like it here.”

“I do too.” He pulled her close and kissed her. “We don’t have to make any decisions about where we’ll live right now, but I did want to ask you a question.”


He dropped to one knee and pulled out the ring that had belonged to his great-grandmother. It was a simple gold band engraved with bear paw prints. His mom had happily given it to him that morning when he’d asked for it.

Seren’s eyes widened and she gasped.

“Sweetheart, you’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I can’t believe I get to wake up with you every day and go to sleep with you every night. Finding you in Northernmost was the highlight of my life. I love you from the bottom of my heart, and I want to spend the rest of my life not only as your mate, but also your husband. Will you marry me?”

Her eyes sparkled with tears. “Yes!”

He put the ring on her finger and rose to his feet, kissing her and tasting the salt of her tears. He lifted her off her feet in a big bear hug and she clung tightly to him.

“Oh, Storm,” she said, her voice thick with emotion. “I love you too.”

They explored the house and talked some more and made plans to have the mating and wedding ceremony on New Year’s Eve. Her whole family would be invited, not just her parents and sister, and he was sure the mountains would ring out with the celebration.

As ten o’clock rolled around, his parents walked them to where the portal would open. The temperature had dropped overnight into the single digits, but it was still warmer than in Northernmost.

The portal opened and Hunter stepped through, followed by Winter. They greeted their parents and cheered when they saw the ring and congratulated them on their engagement.

“When’s the date?” Winter asked.

“New Year’s Eve,” Storm said.

“Perfect, what a great way to start the new year.”

“Are you guys ready to get home?” Hunter asked.

Seren looked at their parents and smiled. “I don’t think it’s going to be home for long. Maybe just until New Year’s.”

His mom laughed and gave her a hug. “Sweet girl, I can’t wait for you to officially be part of our family. Be safe. We’ll see you on New Year’s Eve.”

After all the goodbyes and I-love-yous were said, they followed his brothers through the portal and back to Northernmost.

Seren gasped and pressed her hand to her chest as the Entrance closed behind them. “Holy crap, it’s cold!”

“It felt downright balmy in Pennsylvania,” Storm said. They hurried into the waiting snow vehicle with his brothers and headed to the barracks.

“Alpha Knox joined us while you were gone,” Hunter said. “It was nice not having to train someone just to fill in for a while.”

“Does anyone know how long Asher will be gone?” Storm asked.

“No clue,” Hunter answered. “Apparently his grandma is fairly elderly and frail and they feel she’s going to pass on soon. Santa told him he could stay with his family as long as he needed.”

“Doesn’t Alpha Knox have to be with his people to lead them?” Seren asked.

“Yes and no,” Storm said. “He’s still the alpha even if he’s not around, but the snow leopards have a tight hierarchy where his second-hand male would fill in while he’s gone. All the males are ranked from alpha down to the lowest omega. They’re a lot like wolf packs in that way. As opposed to clans where only the alpha is ranked and no one else is, outside of the authority given to the elder council.”

She hummed. “Are any of the other Guardians alphas?”

“Just Knox,” Winter said. “The Guardians don’t have a hierarchy. Santa is the boss of us, just like he’s the boss of the elves. He makes the schedule and handles staffing issues.”

“Sounds like he could use an assistant,” she said.