Jack Frost stood in his office and stared at the large flat screen, which showed a glowing blue dot that had just left Northernmostvia the Entrance. They were in the States, in the center of Ohio. It appeared that the human female had come through the portal from there, and since she wasn’t alone—his spies had seen a shifter Guardian go with her—he knew they’d come back through the portal again.

He wasn’t sure when, but it didn’t really matter.

Valeth appeared, dressed in human clothes. Jack wore all black, and so did his followers, but Valeth looked like a lumberjack in red plaid, jeans, heavy boots, and a golden-colored, thick coat. A stocking cap covered his pointed ears, but nothing would help the gray hue that dusted his skin and the black of his eyes. He didn’t need to make friends and have a conversation, he just needed to wreak havoc on Northernmost.

Jack tapped the screen where the blue dot was now moving away from where the portal had opened to let them leave Northernmost. “Go here and stay out of sight. Do you have what you need?”

Valeth patted a strap across his chest belonging to a large satchel.

“When it’s done, open a portal to outside the perimeter of Northernmost, I’ll be waiting.”

“How long do you think I’ll have to wait?”

“I don’t know, but you don’t have anything better to do, right?” Jack asked, arching a brow.

“No, of course not. I just…I’m your right hand, and I should be with you.”

“The reason you’re doing this is because I don’t trust anyone but you to get it done right. And if it works like I think it will, there isn’t anything we’ll need to do but sit back and watch the fallout.”

Valeth straightened his shoulders and smiled. “I won’t let you down.”

“Don’t worry, if you do, I’m sure Azure will happily step into your role.”

Azure smiled in a lazy way at Valeth, looking like a cobra about to strike.

“Iwon’tfail,” Valeth said.

“See that you don’t,” Jack said. “Now, off you go.”

Valeth hustled from the office with his precious cargo.

Jack turned his attention back to the screen. The blue dot was stopped several miles away from where they’d opened a portal. Family, perhaps, or her own home. Jack wasn’t sure how long it would take, but Valeth was going to put into motion a plan that would see his brother dead and the Well turned to evil by Christmas Day.

Jack was going to rule, no matter what.

Seren hugged her mom goodbye. “He’s sweet,” her mom whispered. “Much nicer than that old dog who broke your heart.”

“He is,” she said. She leaned back and smiled at her. “I’m really happy.”

“Good. What about your apartment? Where are you going to live? Are you going to stay up North or join his clan?”

“I don’t know all the details yet, but I’m going to pack some things now, and then we’ll make plans. He’s taking a few days off work, and since I lost my job anyway, I don’t have to worry about that.”

“Your taxi is ready,” Noelle said, shaking her keys. “Where are we going first?”

“My place,” Seren said. “And then the candy shop for some Buckeyes.”

“Buckeyes?” her dad asked, eyes lighting up.

She laughed and kissed his cheek. “I’ll buy extra for you and send them with Noelle.”

They said goodbye and followed her sister out to her car.

“I can drive you on your date tonight,” Noelle said. “You don’t have to call a car service.”

“We don’t want you to have to wait,” Seren said. “We don’t know how long we’ll be for dinner.”

“I don’t have anything else going on, I don’t mind.”