It was such a profound kiss that his bear had sat quietly in his mind, in awe of just how right it felt to hold Seren in his arms.
He could hear her breathing deeply and was a little disgruntled that she’d managed to sleep when he was in turmoil, with a dick hard enough to pound nails and his skin prickling with the need to be close to her.
But she’d also nearly died and been traumatized by Frost and his asshole followers, and he could understand that she was exhausted, so he wasn’t going to hold it against her that she was sleeping. He wanted what was best for her, even if that wasn’t him snuggling up to her while they slept.
Quieting his grumbling bear, he made his way to the couch, where the electric fireplace still cast its flickering oranges and yellows in the room. He stretched out on the couch andunbuttoned his jeans but left them on, resting his head on his bent arm and staring at the ceiling.
How was he going to convince Seren that he wasn’t anything like that asshole wolf she’d been with? It wasn’t like he could justtellher that he was being honest and wasn’t going to cheat on her or break her heart, he had to show her. How the hell did he even do that?
Closing his eyes, he ordered his mind, and his bear, to settle down for the night so he could sleep. Maybe when they were both rested, he’d have a better idea of how to proceed to win her heart. Because he very much wanted to do just that.
Storm woke slowly, aware of something pressed against the front of his body. His dick was throbbing and his whole body was a riot of sensations, including the sweet smell of spices and honey.
He opened his eyes and found her tucked in front of him, wearing only his shirt. Her ass was pressed to the front of his body, his dick once more rubbing painfully against his zipper.
Her sweet scent was saturating the air and his fangs throbbed in his gums. He had one hand pressed to her lower belly, and she was using his other arm as a pillow, her head nestled against his biceps.
He’d been dreaming about her, about holding and touching her.
But maybe he’d awoken enough to realize she was in his arms when she climbed onto the couch with him and that had set his subconscious on sexier things.
She groaned softly and pushed his hand.
He lifted it, but she grabbed it and pressed it back to her belly.
He whispered her name.
“Did you miss me?” he asked, his fingers flexing and digging into her skin.
“Yes. No. I don’t know, I couldn’t get comfortable in your bed. It smelled too much like you.”
“You don’t like how I smell?”
“No, I do. I really do.” She sighed and scooched back a little, rubbing her ass against his crotch.
He nuzzled her neck and feathered his lips up her warm skin to the place behind her ear. As he breathed in her luscious scent, she moaned and gripped his wrist. She was turned on and wanted to be touched, and he was just the male for the job.
He kissed her neck, sucking her skin into his mouth and biting gently as he slid his hand lower. He pulled the shirt up a little and moved his hand to her soft skin. She tilted her head and he let his blunt teeth scrape along her neck.
He slid his hand slowly down her lower belly and realized quickly that she wasn’t wearing any panties. She probably hadn’t been given any in the infirmary and her own clothes had been taken for cleaning.
Sliding his hand lower, he slipped his fingers along the seam of her sex, finding her arousal coating her skin.
His bear let out an approving growl.
She sighed and it ended in a moan as he stroked his fingers more firmly through her heat, brushing against her clit before sliding back down to circle her entrance. Pressing a finger inside her slowly, he slid his arm out from under her head and went onto his elbow to look down at her. She turned her head to stare at him, her eyelids closing halfway as her lips parted.
She was hot and tight, her pussy gripping his finger as he pulled it out and pressed it in again.
Pressing his thumb to her clit, he pushed a second finger into her, keeping up a slow, steady pump as he rubbed her tight nub. Her eyes closed and she moaned, so he kissed her, eating the sound as he glided his tongue along hers, stroking and tasting and dancing.
Easing from the kiss, he nuzzled her neck and said, “Open your eyes, I want to watch you when you come.”