He returned the phone to the box and then wrapped his hand around her upper arm. “Let’s go, sweetheart. We’ve got a lot to discuss.”

“Could it wait until after dawn? I’m kind of tired.”


She snorted. “You always this bossy?”

“When it comes to you and your safety? Yes.”

“This isn’t about safety, this is about you wanting to talk to me. What do we even need to talk about?”

“The fact that you think I’m like any other shifter out there who would use you and discard you. I’mnothinglike those sorts of shifters. You’re mine,” he said, glowering at her, “and I want to make sure you understand what that means.”

He didn’t wait for her to answer, simply shoved the door open and led her down the hall with his large hand on her upper arm. It didn’t quite feel like he was pulling her along with him, but she definitely had the feeling that if she tried to stop walking or pull back, he’d make sure she kept up with him.

Okay, so she did like that he was bossy. It was sexy as hell. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen when they got to the barracks or what the barracks even were.

Could it be where he lived and he was taking her to his place?

What was going to happen between them when they got there?

Just how much talking was involved intalking, anyway?

Her wayward libido sped up at the thought of finding out what Storm looked like out of his clothes, and she tried to push the sexy thoughts away but failed.

She’d been wishing she could see him again when she’d been in the cell, wishing that she could go back in time and stay with him instead of running.

Well, she wasn’t going to run again.

Her ex had never called her his mate, but Storm did.

Did humans even have mates?

Maybe just one.


Storm was having trouble keeping his bear in check. He was so thankful that Seren was awake and safely with him, but also pissed as hell that she’d gotten hurt in the first place andalsoseemed to think he was like whatever asshole shifter she’d dated in the past.

He wanted to find that male and give him a beating on principal.

The underground passageway to the barracks was chilly despite the heating elements that ran along the floor. She shivered, and he paused for a moment and took off his coat to lay it over her shoulders. Then he continued their trek to the barracks, keeping a hand on her upper arm.

It was partly because he was worried she might pass out again, even though she seemed fine, but also because he wondered if she might try to bolt.

A door opened ahead of them and Sebastian appeared. The male’s eyes widened when he saw them together, his gaze pinging between them as they approached.

Storm paused when they reached him, and Sebastian stopped too.

“Seren, this is Sebastian. He was with me and a few others when we went to Frost’s lair to get you.”

“Thank you for helping get me to safety,” she said.

Sebastian nodded. “I’m glad I could help.” He glanced at Storm and said, “You off for the night?”

He nodded.

“All right, I’m on my way to check in at the office. I’ll finish your shift if they need help.”