Page 25 of Cursed Confessions

“Fucker,” Genesis murmurs.

“And don’t think you can counterfeit something,” I warn her, smirking at the annoyed look on Genesis’ face. “Oh, come on, G. You’re the best in the state. You know that wouldn’t work.”

Genesis opens her mouth to respond when my phone rings. It’s Sofia, and she’s nearly hysterical.

“Angelo, Lou is missing,” she says, panic in her voice. “I went to Perfezione to check, but I can’t get inside. Someone installed a new security system! Please, help me!”

Fucking fuck. I forgot to tell Sofia about the new security system I had installed.

“I’ll be right there,” I say before the line goes dead.

Genesis raises an eyebrow. "Where are you going?”

“Sofia needs help at Perfezione,” I say, already heading for the door.

Genesis’ grin widens, reminiscent of the Cheshire Cat. “Oh, I see.Sofianeeds help,” she says, making exaggerated kissing noises.

I roll my eyes but can’t help the small smile tugging at my lips. “Fuck off, Genesis.”

As I leave, I catch a glimpse of Genesis and Romero, their bickering already starting up again. One minute, they’re at each other’s throats, and the next, they’re working together seamlessly. Like that time when they argued over strategy for hours, only to come up with a brilliant plan that saved us all.

It’s like they thrive on conflict.

“Try not to kill each other while I’m gone,” I call over my shoulder.

“No promises,” Romero grumbles, while Genesis just smirks.

Shaking my head, I hurry to my car and speed toward Perfezione. As I pull up, I see Fee, nearly hysterical, pacingoutside the shop, a tall, beautiful, black woman beside her trying to calm her down.

I take in the security measures I’ve had installed—reinforced locks, a state-of-the-art alarm system, and bullet-resistant glass in the windows. It’s top-of-the-line protection, but I realize now that I should have coordinated better with Fee.

“Fee!” I call out, getting out of the car and running toward her.

“Angelo,” she cries, throwing herself into my arms. “I can’t find Lou. Her school called and said she went missing, so I rushed here, and I can’t get inside, and?—”

“It’s okay,” I say, holding her tight as I feel her tremble in my arms. “I have the override codes. We’ll be able to get inside soon to take a look.”

The woman beside Sofia eyes me curiously. “So this is the famous Angelo,” she says, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Fee blushes slightly, even through her tears. “Oh, um, Angelo, this is my friend Shawn. Shawn, Angelo.”

I nod politely to Shawn, then turn back to Sofia. “Let’s get you inside, okay?”

As I input the security code, I can feel Shawn’s eyes on me, assessing. I wonder what Fee’s told her about me.

The door clicks open, and Sofia sighs in relief before she’s shouldering open the door and rushing inside.

The inside of Perfezione still smells like smoke, and there’s water dripping everywhere. It could have been a lot worse.

Free’s voice cuts through the silence as she screams Lou’s name, rushing up the stairs toward the apartment. I follow close behind her, with Shawn right on my heels.

“Lou! Lou, where are you?” Fee’s voice is frantic, echoing off the walls.

My heart pounds in my chest. If Lou isn’t here, where the hell is she? My mind races through worst-case scenarios, each onemore terrifying than the last. I push the thoughts away, focusing on the task at hand. We need to find Lou.

Fee reaches the apartment door first, fumbling with her keys, her hands shaking. I step in, gently taking the keys from her and unlocking the door. We burst into the apartment, our eyes scanning the room.

“Lou!” Fee screams again, her voice breaking.