Page 2 of Veil of Dreams

"You've been too clumsy lately, Cassia," the manor chef says, shaking his head as he passes by me. "What's gotten into you?"

I bite my lip and offer a sheepish apology, avoiding his gaze. It's true that I've been more accident-prone lately, dropping dishes and spilling food. But I can't bring myself to tell him the truth - that I've been exhausted, my mind preoccupied with strange dreams and a growing sense of unease.

As a maid in the Master's manor, I've always known my place. Born and raised by a family of servants, I've been taught to be obedient and respectful to the dark elves who rule over us. And for the most part, I've been content with my lot in life. The Master has always treated me fairly, providing me with food and shelter, and even allowing me to learn to read and write.

But lately… something is off. I try to push these thoughts out of my mind as I finish cleaning up the mess in the kitchen.

"Or maybe I'm just going mad," I mutter to myself as I leave the kitchen and head towards the second floor. I was supposed to be up here ages ago to clean the windows, but I can't seem to focus on anything these days.

The issue is that I haven't been getting enough sleep lately. When I close my eyes, I fall into these horrible nightmares. In these twisted dreams, I'm not a maid at the manor, I'm a slave. I'm trapped in a cage and poked at through the bars by the dark elf and his elitist friends.

It's been going on for weeks now, and I can't hide my exhaustion from the other workers at the manor. They've been giving me strange looks and whispering behind my back. I can't blame them, really. I've been dropping dishes and spilling food left and right.

As I reach the second floor, I take a deep breath and try to shake off the lingering feeling of unease. I can't let these dreams get the best of me. I have a job to do, and I need to do it well.

I start cleaning the windows, trying to focus on the task at hand. But as I work, I can't help but feel like I'm being watched. I glance around the room, but there's no one there. Just the usual furniture and decorations.

I shake my head and continue cleaning, but the feeling persists. It's like there's someone just out of sight, watching me with cold, calculating eyes. I try to tell myself that it's just my imagination, but I can't shake the feeling.

"I really have lost it," I mutter to myself, trying to shake off the lingering feeling of being watched.

I finish wiping down the last window pane and step back, taking in the sight of the sunlight streaming in through the now sparkling glass. The room is bathed in a warm, golden glow that seems to momentarily chase away my fears.

As I stand there, basking in the sun's rays, I hear a deep voice behind me. "Taking a break, are we?"

I whirl around, my heart pounding in my chest, and come face to face with the Master. He stands in the doorway, his dark eyes fixed on me, and I feel a shiver run down my spine.

"No, Master," I stammer, my voice barely a whisper. I struggle to find my words, feeling his gaze boring into me. He takes another step into the room, closing the distance between us. I can't help but drop my eyes to the floor, avoiding his intense stare.

My heart races as I fumble through an apology. "I-I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to take a break. I just... I was admiring the sunlight."

I can't even look him in the face when I'm awake, that's how deeply the nightmares have affected me. In my dreams, his piercing blue eyes are replaced by glowing orbs of darkness, filled with malice and hunger. His smile twists into a cruel sneer, and his hands become weapons, hurting me in ways I can't even fathom.

But in reality, the Master is nothing like that. He's a tall, imposing figure with dark hair and piercing blue eyes that seem to see right through me. He's been nothing but fair to me, providing me with food, shelter, and even allowing me to learn to read and write.

I take a deep breath, trying to push the images of my nightmares out of my mind. I force myself to look up, meeting his gaze. For a moment, I see a glimmer of amusement in his eyes, and I realize that he's not angry with me at all.

My dreams are twisting the way I see everything, even when I'm not sleeping.

"Is something wrong, Cassia?" the Master asks, his voice low and smooth.

I shake my head, trying to compose myself. "No, Sir. I was just... lost in thought."

The Master nods, his eyes never leaving mine. "I see. Well, I hope you're not too lost in thought to finish your work."

"Of course not, Sir," I say quickly, turning back to the windows.

I can feel the Master's eyes on me as I work, and I can't shake the feeling of unease. I try to focus on the task at hand, but my mind keeps drifting back to the nightmares.

I need to find a way to make them stop.



The sea air whips through my dreads as I haul in the net, the weight of the catch straining my muscles. But it's not the physical exertion that's got me distracted. It's her. The human from my dream. Her eyes, full of fire and defiance, are seared into my memory.

"Boss, we're running low on supplies," Kogan grunts, interrupting my thoughts. He's a stout orc, with a thick beard that hides most of his face. "We might need to make a stop soon."