Page 35 of Ace

"Tell me," I urge. "It may help. If not, then we can prove he isn't involved."

Her face flushes pink again as she turns away from me.

"Daydreamers," she says, after staring at the blackness on the other side of the massive window on the far side of the suite.

"What about it?"

"The woman there asked me if I wanted to add my membership to the family account."

"Okay, and you asked William about it?" My hands shake at the idea that he could've hurt her for knowing about that place and his possible connection to it, and I wouldn't have been there to help her.

"He confronted me. Apparently, he tracks my spending. He came to my office earlier today to ask me about it. He didn't seem like he knew about the membership, but he knew what the place was."

"And you think it's his membership?"

Her nose scrunched. "I don't want to think that it was my dad's."

"Is it possible?"

She shakes her head. "His entire platform was based on wholesome Christian views. He would never risk his career. Plus, he just wasn't the type of man that would pay someone for sex. He didn't live separate lives, one for the public and one for his private life."

"Men aren't ever who their children think they are, but you also havea younger brother."

"Chris?" she scoffs. "The boy can't even talk to a girl without stuttering."

"Makes it easier to get past the small talk when someone is being paid to—"

"Ack!" she screeches. "Enough! It would have to be William."

"It should be easy enough to find out about the membership status. Why didn't you mention it before?"

She shrugs, and I can tell by her reaction she didn't purposely keep it a secret. I can't imagine what was going throughher head when I showed up the other night at her hotel room.

"If I leave, will you stay out of trouble so I can work this case?"

She dips her head in agreement, but I can tell by the look in her eyes that she has no intention of keeping her nose clean.

"Fine," I say, walking toward the sofa.

"What are you doing?"

"Looks like I'm on babysitting duty," I say as I reach for the remote to the television.

Chapter 16


I stare at the tray after opening the door to room service.

He had to have ordered the two bottles of champagne and strawberries when I went to the bathroom to change my clothes.

I look up at the attendant as I sign the tablet for room service, thanking him before making sure the door is locked behind him.

He doesn't bother pulling his eyes from the stupid movie he picked to watch on the television, but I'd be a fool to think he isn't somehow still paying attention to me. The man doesn't miss much. I knew when I came back out in the very same robe I had on the last time that he was here that it made him more than a little uncomfortable by the way he shifted on the sofa.

If he ordered champagne and strawberries, then he must know I had them at Daydreamers. As I grab a bottle and a glass from the table, I have to wonder if he knows about that, does he know about my other menu selection?

I keep my mouth closed despite the urge to explain why I chose what I did.