Page 99 of Ace

Chapter 41


"You better be glad this didn't end in that young man's death."

I snap my eyes from Cora and lift them to see none other than fucking Dale Fredericks walking toward us.

"Detective Granger," Cora says, and I can sense by the tone of her voice that she knows that isn't his real name.

"Special Agent in Charge Dale Fredricks," he says as he approaches. "This looks really cozy. Are you unable to walk, Ms. Preston?"

"My legs are fine, Dale."

Watching his jaw flex when she uses his first name as if she's disrespecting him, I have to roll my lips between my teeth to keep from chuckling.

"You weren't supposed to be involved in the Full Deck Killer’s case, Yarrow. You'll be sanctioned for this," he threatens, and I have no doubt he'll do his best to get me fired, but the man has made his very last threat.

"Sorry, baby," I tell her when I have to shift her weight to reach into my back pocket.

"What's this about?" he says when I hold out the government-issued badge.

"I quit," I snap.

He looks down at the badge in his hand as if I've just handed him victory. I have no clue why this guy has had it out for me the last couple of years. He probably doesn't have aclue I turned down his job so I could stay out in the field because I felt like I had more to offer the agency than sitting behind a desk.

"And your gun?" he says, a gleam in his eyes like I'd imagine he'd have on Christmas morning when he sits at the bar paying women to dance for him because he's a bitter, unlovable bastard.

"I've been with the Agency for thirty fucking years, dipshit. My issued weapon was decommissioned fifteen years ago."

I walk past him, no longer feeling the need to waste a second in his presence.

"You'll have to be debriefed," he snaps.

I turn partially to face him. "I'm not part of this case, Dale. I'm on vacation."

I feel Cora shudder in my arms, but when I look down, I see her chuckling.

"You'll never find another fucking job, Yarrow," he spits before I can turn back around and leave.

The man just has to have the last fucking word.

"He already has a job."

"Mr. Anderson," Cora says.

"He's Cerberus, and I'd like to officially withdraw our contract with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement." Kincaid dips his head in my direction. "Get her taken care of, Ace. We'll have a chance to talk later. I've got it from here."

"You can't just walk up and stick your fucking nose in government business," Dale says as we walk away.

"Is he going to get arrested?" Cora whispers.

"Kincaid?" I shake my head. "Dale won't have a job come morning time if they even attempt to put cuffs on that man. He's more connected than the fucking president."

"Ouch," she mutters when I reach for the door handle of a vehicle. "What's going on back at the house?"

Sadness is in her tone, and I hate that there will be long-lasting pain in this entire situation. Her brother turning into thisman doesn't discount all the years she loved him, and I think the betrayal of it being someone she cares so deeply about will only make it worse. She has a long road of healing ahead of her, and unlike my own pain and regret I don't think I'll ever be over Noah, she doesn't have to face this alone. I'll be there if she lets me, every step of the way.

"Do you know about Faye?"