"I love you," I whisper, saying the words in a romantic fashion for the very first time in my life, relishing in how natural they feel on my tongue.
His eyes soften as he inches closer, whispering, "I love you, too," before pressing his lips to mine.
Chapter 43
"Are you trying to sneak out on me?"
The warmth of her hand trails down my back, and I groan in frustration. We've spent a lot of this last week in bed. It started with her needing rest to recover from her injuries, but we can't seem to keep our hands off each other.
"I have a meeting, remember?"
"You're retired," she groans.
"Partially retired," I remind her.
When I sat down with Kincaid after all the shit went down, we had a very long conversation. I'm not willing to lose her. I've spent my entire life alone, and I want the rest of it in her arms. It was agreed that I could still be a handler slash case manager like I was for ICE, but this time it'll be for Cerberus, allowing me to stay full time at the cabin rather than go out in the field. I know there will be times they'll need my help, but I'm not picking up any cases that will carry me very far from her. It's the only way I figured I could have her and still do some help in the world.
If it came down to choosing between the two, I would throw a peace sign to this place and buy a tiny cabin in the woods. I'm glad Kincaid didn't force that decision because I know I can still be helpful to the organization.
"You are so damned tempting," I say, turning around and circling my thumb over one peaked nipple.
I feel as wild with her as I was in my twenties, and she shows no signs of getting tired of me either.
"How long will the meeting last?"
"Making plans for the afternoon, baby?"
She frowns, and it makes me pull my hand back. "It honestly won't take that long."
"We have to head back to Columbia today, remember?"
"Later tonight," I clarify.
"It's over a four-hour drive with traffic."
"It's less than two by helicopter," I say with an easy smile.
"Really? We're taking the helicopter?"
I have to shrug like it's no big deal but honestly, it's insane that we suggested to Kincaid that a helicopter is damn near necessary with how long it takes to get everywhere around here, and the next day we had the address of a flight station only a few miles from the house.
"He said it would be fine." I lean forward and press my lips to hers. "So we have plenty of time this afternoon for you to show me how much I was missed during my meeting."
I stand from the bed, frowning at her when she climbs out right behind me.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"I'm going to get dressed, Eddie. I'm not going to lie in bed naked all day."
"Hasn't stopped you all week."
She chews the inside of her cheek as she grins. "That was different. You were here with me."
"And I'll be back shortly. Get your gorgeous ass back in bed. No clothes."
I grab her before she can climb back into the bed, pulling her body against mine, and we spend a moment just looking at each other. My connection to this woman is so strong, we don't even have to speak for the other to hear how we feel. I swallow, my throat threatening to clog with emotion. Ijust can't believe my damn fortune, and I consider myself the luckiest man in the world that she's mine.