“I swear to God, if you continue with this petulant behavior, I’ll put you in the corner on time-out.”
She pauses.
“I mean it. Quit.”
“Say you’re sorry.” Her eyes water.
Ah fuck. “I’m sorry.” I don’t know what I’m apologizing for, but, knowing me, I’m sure it’s a lot of things.
Cristina nods and works quietly. After a few minutes, a smile tells me her mood has lifted and she starts to whistle as she preps the lunch. She’s so focused on what she’s doing that I think she forgot I’m still in the kitchen.
Cristina is beautiful, made more beautiful when she’s happy. My arrival hasn’t made her happy, my intrusion on her life even less so. She’s lost her father, almost married my uncle, who then got assassinated. Worst of all, she’s stuck with me, and her mother isn’t here to comfort her.
I wouldn’t wish a relationship with me on my worst enemy. Unfortunately, I’m staying with her, and it bothers me that she hates it.
Once the meal starts cooking, she sets a timer and leaves the kitchen.
Every first Friday of the month, Josefa arrives at the fresh market with her catch of the day. Daddy used to buy it and send it over to the restaurant at the hotel. I’d prepare it, and my dad and I would have lunch together.
When I saw Josefa today, I almost turned around and went back home, but I ended up buying from her in the end. Maybe I bought the fish because she asked if I would or maybe I did because I miss the old Friday routine.
In the west wing, I walk into my bedroom and rinse my hands, even though I wore gloves while cleaning the fish. I undress and put on my bathing suit, then grab a towel and go for a swim in our pool.
We used to have staff, but after Daddy died, Mom took care of the pool. Since she’s gone on Severio’s errands, the pool hasn’t been cleaned. I stand by the edge and stare at the leaves and debris for a while, trying to recall where the cleaning equipment might be. The closet near the basement under the stairs?
I’m heading that way when Severio steps into the courtyard.
I turn back.
“You can’t possibly think this silent treatment and avoidance is going to work with me.”
“I don’t think that, and I’m not avoiding you.”
“Then what is this?” he asks.
I turn and walk up to him, craning my neck because he’s so tall and I’m so short. Momentarily, I’m stunned by the reflection of the blue water in his already clear blue eyes.
“If I’m not your girlfriend, I’m not going to be your fuck toy either.”
He cups my face. “You can’t be a fuck toy if we’re not fucking.”
His touch feels good. I can’t pull away. “I feel fucked, so there is that. I feel like we shared something special, while you’re behaving as if nothing happened.”
“I’m not the one who left the bed in the morning,” he says.
“I went to work.”
“At three a.m.?”
I look away. “Okay, so I woke up an hour later, freaked out, and went to my own room, but the day after, you barely acknowledged me.”
“You should’ve stayed in bed. I would have rewarded you.”