“But it’s not what you think. My marriage to Gio, as you might’ve guessed, was arranged because of my father’s passing. After the wedding ceremony, we had a big fight. Gio hated that I went to Severio and tried to talk him into staying on the island a little longer. Severio is very wealthy, and it would help to have three villas in the resort rented for the summer. You snapped a picture of the moment the fireworks exploded, and I turned toward them before Severio did. That’s all.”
Romeo squeezes my hand. “That man, Severio. I looked him up.”
“Don’t.” I withdraw my hand. “Please don’t look for information about him.”
I must sound as scared as I feel, because Romeo comes around the counter. “You know about him.”
I don’t know what he’s referring to, but I nod anyway because I’m ready for Romeo to eat the pie and leave. When he gets close, too close to me, I step back. “You should go.”
Romeo shakes his head. “You don’t understand. Your dad and I have been looking for ways to take Severio down, and if you have even a little information about him or his dealings, anything at all, our partners will pay us handsomely. You can finally leave the island and start over.”
I back away and hit the wall. The exit is on the other side. I’m trapped, and as I’m trying to slide against the wall, Romeo slaps a palm against the wall next to my face.
“You’re scaring me,” I tell him.
His other hand comes on the other side of my face, trapping me in earnest. I have no false sense of badassery when faced with a man stronger and more agile than me. If I try to run, he’ll catch me. If I push him, I won’t get far enough. Both options will make him snap.
He probably found traces of the Order, but can’t figure out what’s really going on, so he kept digging until he got in touch with some people just as curious about Severio as he is.
He mentioned my dad because Daddy probably researched the Order and had Romeo investigate some finances. Gio and Dad might’ve considered Romeo for the Order. I have no idea, but I know I must keep quiet.
Romeo wants validation of his theories. He wants me to acquiesce. “I know about Severio.”
Romeo’s eyes light up. There’s joy behind the gaze. This will calm his mind, settle his conspiracy theories long enough for him to back off from me.
“You’re right,” I say. “Severio is a shady character. Which is why we must be careful. Don’t you think?”
Romeo steps back and runs a hand through his hair. He begins to pace.
The doorbell rings, and I freeze, wondering who’s at the door.
“I asked my assistant to bring the mail from the office. If you don’t mind, I was thinking I’ll work from your dad’s study today. There’s a small green book Gio wants me to bring to the conference.”
The ledger. I believe he’s looking for the ledger that Corrado took. I have no idea what’s in that thing, but it’s something everyone wants.
“I don’t mind,” I say, because he’s expecting this answer.
The doorbell rings again, and Romeo moves toward it. Before he answers, he fixes his suit and hair. With a smile plastered on his face, he opens the door, but from the way his smile falters, I know it’s not Romeo’s assistant.
He takes a step back. “Can I help you?”
“Certainly,” a man says.
It’s Severio’s voice.
But it can’t be. The Mancinis left the island three days ago, right after Corrado took the leather-bound book that Romeo wants. I’m imagining his voice now. Jesus, I need a break from him and all the madness he’s brought into my life.
A man’s black sneaker is followed by black sweatpants and a white T-shirt. A baseball cap hides his face. Even though he’s not wearing a suit and looks like he stepped off the alpha-male runway, I recognize his perfectly straight nose, high cheekbones, and strong jaw.
Severio Mancini is in my house.
Romeo doesn’t want to move out of his way, so the men are at a standoff. They’re about the same height, with similar broad shoulders and strong bodies, but that’s where the similaritiesend. Romeo’s ambition appears like dominance only when Severio isn’t around.
Severio is intimidating even when not trying to be. Now he’s trying.
“What are you doing here?” he asks Romeo, as if he has the right to question him about being in my house.
“Hi,” I pitch in cheerfully from the kitchen and make a show of wiping my hands on a kitchen rag, but really, I need something to clutch as I walk toward the men. Once near the door, I see another man standing in the middle of the path from the gate to the entrance.