“I said enough!” Charles barked. “Sit down, both of you.”

“What is going on?” Victoria’s voice asked from behind them.

Nate’s jaw flexed as he shook his head and settled into his seat.

“That’s what I’m trying to figure out,” Charles answered as he grabbed the paper and flashed the front page to face her.

Her eyes went wide as she stormed forward to snatch it. “What is this? Did you two get into a fist fight at the concert last night?”

“We did,” Nate answered, “but Stephen threw the first punch.”

Victoria shifted her gaze to her second son. “Is that true?”

Stephen wrinkled his nose. “Because Nate called Chloe a low-classed tramp.”

“If the knock-off shoe fits,” Nate shot back.

“Hey, hey, that’s enough,” Victoria chided. “This needs to stop.”

“Well, it’s not going to until Nate accepts that Chloe is in love with me and not him.”

Nate’s features pinched as he shot his brother an incredulous glance. “Oh, come on. This has nothing to do with that. Although, I don’t know when you’re going to figure out that she doesn’t love either of us.”

“She loves me.”

Nate scoffed as he flicked his gaze out of the thick windows. “Yeah, okay. You’ll see when she burns you, too.”

“This is exactly why we can’t get along,” Stephen shouted as he leapt from his seat and paced the floor.

Victoria stopped him in his tracks. “Stephen, I think you’re being unfair here.”

“I’m beingunfair? Are you kidding me? I can’t see my girlfriend because it hurts Nate’s feelings?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Oh, come on, Stephen,” Nate shouted, jumping from his chair, “maybe it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if you had waited to make her your girlfriend untilafterwe broke up.”

“Well, you wouldn’t let her go, so I had to do what I had to do.”

“Oh, that’s rich. Yeah, youhadto sleep with my fiancée, right?”

“Stop it, boys, now!” Victoria fluttered her eyelashes as she slapped the paper down on the desk and pressed a hand against her forehead. “All right, look, Chloe is a very sore subject in this house. I think it might be best if we come up with a solution here to navigate this situation.”

“Like what?” Nate asked.

“Like you accepting that your brother is seeing her. I know that’s hard but it’s true.” His mother offered him a consoling glance.

Nate grimaced as he set his hands on his hips with a shake of his head. “Chloe accused Ellie of cheating last night. She just twists the knife at every turn. If she’s so happy with Stephen, tell me, why is she constantly inserting herself into my life?”

Victoria raised her eyebrows as she shifted her gaze from her first son to her second. “Stephen, is that true?”

“I don’t know, I wasn’t there when she said it,” he said with a shrug, avoiding her gaze.

“You’re telling me she didn’t mention it to you at all that night, son?” Charles asked.

Stephen bobbed his head around a few times. “All right, I may have known that’s what she did.”

“Well, then, Stephen, I think while you’re seeing her, she needs to be informed that she cannot spout off this random nonsense that is designed to hurtyour brother.”