“I’m fine. And I don’t mean physically. I mean…” He shook his head. “I don’t want you to be upset with me over what happened.”
“Upset with you? Over your brother’s trouble? Why?”
“I…probably shouldn’t have gone after him. I just…feel like you want to get away from me because you’re disappointed.”
She offered him a sympathetic smile. “I’m not, though I do wish you did not let him goad you.”
Nate heaved a sigh. “Yeah, I’m working on that. But he threw the first punch. I just…defended your honor.”
“Oh, I see. Well, then I suppose I should thank you.”
“Yes, you should,” he said before he gave her a quick peck and a grin. “Now, can I drive you home?”
“Yes.” She slid her hand into his and they walked the short distance to GenoTech, climbed into his car, and he dropped her off in front of her apartment.
“Bright and early tomorrow, remember,” he said as she slid from the car.
“I know. I look forward to seeing you for breakfast and shopping with your mother and sister. See you then.”
With a wave, he drove off, and she made her way up to her apartment, collapsing on the couch once she was inside.
“I agree,” Caroline said, slumped on the cushion next to her.
“To top it off, Chloe accused me of cheating because of my absences tonight. And then Nathan and Stephen engaged in a fist fight.”
“Oh, no, really?” Caroline shook her head.
“Yes. I am going to bed. I want to put this day behind me and hope tomorrow is better.”
After changing, Elena climbed into bed, falling into a dreamless sleep that lasted until her alarm screamed at her the next morning.
With Caroline’s help, she hurried through her morning routine before she descended the stairs to the Kingsley’s waiting car.
After arriving at their home and being shown into the dining room, she greeted everyone with a cheery grin. The quiet room suggested perhaps they were not morning people.
Nate rose from his seat and kissed her cheek before he pushed her chair in as she sat. Their breakfast was delivered with minimal conversation.
Finally, Victoria spoke. “Ellie, we’re really looking forward to seeing you model some dresses today.”
“I am, too,” she said with a smile. “And I do hope I will be able to see yours and Maddie’s.”
“Yes, we’ll both be trying them on.”
“I hope you like mine,” Maddie said.
Elena grinned at her. “I’mcertain I will.”
“I hope you don’t change your mind again like you did last year,” Charles said as he spread his paper out in front of him, rattling it.
Elena’s eyes went wide as she stared at the page facing her. Her heart pounded, and her pulse raced. Staring back at her from the society page was a picture of her with her cousin, Julian. The caption readPrincess Elena Montclair and Prince Julian Montclair attend Crown Jewels Gala.
She swallowed hard. If any of them caught sight of that paper, her cover was blown.
Nate grimaced as memories of the brawl the night before spilled back into his mind seconds after waking up. What had started as a pleasant day quickly soured.