“And the different shoes, different accessories, different wraps, and different handbags,” Caroline added.
“Must you make it sound so daunting, Caroline. I’m confident we can pull this off.”
“That makes one of us,” Caroline said as she lifted the bag filled with the items for her quick changes.
“I would have declined this had Julian not been around. He’d tattle to Father, I know it.”
“If he hasn’t already,” her ladies’ maid said as she followed her from the bedroom through the living room and into the hall.
Elena lifted her skirts as she descended the stairs. “Hold your tongue.”
They slid into the waiting limousine. “I wish I could,” Caroline answered, “but it plagues me. Oh, dear, I do wish you would tell your young man.”
“Yes, I will. But…after this…event. I plan to tell him then.”
“Not before?” Caroline asked as the city’s lights blazed past them.
“No, not before. I…his mother was so kind. And I…I will tell him after the gala. Perhaps after the festivities, we’ll find a quiet spot, and I will admit everything.”
“I know you do not agree, but I think it’s for the best. Your father will demand you return home soon, and you’ll have to explain it then.”
“Not if I don’t go back,” Elena said wistfully as the car pulled to stop.
“Your Highness!” Caroline said as she climbed from the car behind Elena. “You said you were not abdicating!”
“I’m not. I’m…I don’t know. Never mind. I will tell him. I will settle the entire matter after the gala. Just let me have that.”
She climbed the red-carpeted stairs with her ladies’ maid in tow and entered the museum. With a nod at Caroline who slipped into the ladies’ room, she adjusted her wrap around her and made her way past other evening wear-clad guests to the Crown Jewels exhibit room.
Across the room, she spotted her cousin Julian speaking to the museum’s director.
“Oh, there is my dear cousin now. Elena, how fortunate you could make it on such short notice,” Julian said as he led the man toward them.
The museum director bowed his head at her. “Princess Elena, how lovely you could make it. We had no idea you were in town.”
“Quite unexpected, I assure you,” she said, clutching her handbag to ensure he did not reach for her hand though he seemed to understand that royals did not shake hands. “But I am so pleased to be able to attend.”
“We are so pleased to have you. Two royals at our event. How fortunate we are. Would you allow me to introduce you to some of our benefactors?”
“I would love it,” she answered with a gracious smile. It slid from her face as she eyed Julian while she strode away. The smirk on his sharp features twisted her stomach into a knot.
The director introduced her to several of the museum’s top contributors. She eyed the crowd, hoping not to find Nate’s parents among them, though they hadn’t mentioned the event.
She did not spot either of them, thankfully. After a few more minutes mingling, she excused herself and ducked into the bathroom off the main lobby.
Caroline waited in the outer room, settled on the couch there. She leapt from her seat and followed Elena into one of the large stalls.
“Quickly,” Elena said as she shimmied out of the dress.
Caroline tossed the other over her head and yanked it down around her body before she zipped it. “Necklace and earrings.”
Elena dumped them into Caroline’shand before she slipped on a simple pair of hoops. She kicked off her shoes, and Caroline slid a pair of flats onto her feet.
“Handbag,” Elena said, “and wrap.”
Caroline shoved both of them toward her before wiping a bead of sweat from her brow. “Go.”
Elena tossed the simple wrap around her as she dangled the wristlet from her wrist and hurried across the bathroom. She peeked out the door, finding the coast clear.