“I’d better go,” Elena said, stealing another smooch before she pushed the door open.
“You have a good night,” the officer said as Elena waved goodbye to him.
Nate waved at them both before he pulled away from the curb. Ellie stared after his car, unease twisting her stomach as she pushed inside her apartment building and climbed the stairs to her place.
The door popped open as she approached. Caroline hovered inside. “Well?”
“Heavens, someone is interested.”
“Of course, I am, Your Highness. What happened? Did they love you? Did they love the gifts?”
Ellie dumped her bag on the floor and hurried to the couch, collapsing onto it with Caroline. “Yes, they loved the gifts. Yes, I think they like me. And I like them. It went very well with the exception of Nathan’s brother appearing with his ex-girlfriend.”
Caroline’s jaw unhinged. “The one who cheated?”
“One and the same. And then he tried to air all of Nathan’s dirty laundry at the dinner table.”
“No!” Caroline squealed with wide eyes.
“Oh, yes. I told him it was unnecessary. I knew everything I needed to know about Nathan. And then he left.”
“Was the evening much better after that?”
“Yes, it went swimmingly…except for one tiny problem.”
“Which is?” Caroline asked.
“Well, Nathan’s family has invited me to theircharity gala at the end of the week. I had to accept, but what if someone recognizes me!”
“Oh, dear. You must think about this carefully. Perhaps you could cancel. Make an excuse.”
“No, no, I can’t. You see, I was hesitant about accepting, and Mrs. Kingsley assumed it was because I would not have a gown. She graciously offered to take me to her dress shop and even pay for my gown. I couldn’t say no.”
Caroline pressed her lips together. “Oh, my, that is a sticky situation, isn’t it? Well, you must go. Perhaps if you see anyone who may recognize you, you can hide in a corner.”
“Yes,” Elena said with a nod. “Yes, I think I can manage it. Particularly, if I cannot tell Nathan before the event.”
“Perhaps you should.”
Elena pressed her lips together. “Yes, I know I should…but…I will when the time is right.”
“But–” Caroline began when Elena’s phone chimed.
She checked the display finding a message from her father. Her eyes went wide, and she gasped. “Oh, no. Now, we have another problem.”
“What is it?” Caroline leaned over her shoulder to glance at the screen.
“My father. He says there is an event with the Crown Jewels tomorrow. He’s asked that I go to it.”
“Then, you must go.”
“I can’t! I have a date with Nathan.”
“You must cancel, Your Highness!”
Elena heaved a sigh. “No, I won’t do it. I will not cancel the night before I’m supposed to have breakfast with his family and dress shop with his mother and sister.”
She leapt from her seat and paced. “No, I…must do both. It will be fine. You’ll help me. I will spend twenty minutes at the museum event, then dash across to the park where the concert is, spend time there, then back. We’ll continue switching back and forth. It can work.”