“I am not. I’m just…surprised, is all.”
Elena settled back in the cushions, eyeing the dark liquid steaming from her mug. “I am not. I have fallen quite deeply for him.”
She fidgeted in her seat. “Which makes tomorrow all the harder.”
“You’re nervous about spending time with his family?”
She sucked in a deep breath. “Yes. Silly, isn’t it? I’m quite used to these types of things.”
“Princess Elena is excellent with them, but you will not be Princess Elena tomorrow. And I believe that is the problem, isn’t it? You must impress them with your own personality,not your crown.”
Her features settled into a pout as she nodded.
Caroline set down her mug and rubbed Elena’s shoulder. “Oh, my darling, you will be wonderful. And they will love you. And if they do not love you, then they are simply not worth your time.”
Elena sighed. “Oh, how I wish it was that easy.”
“It is, darling. I, personally think they’ll love you, though. You are a very special girl.”
She puckered her lips as she shot her ladies’ maid a sideways glance. “I do hope so because I like him ever so much.”
Caroline stroked her hair with a consoling smile. “It will all work out the way it is supposed to, my dear.”
They finished the movie before they retired for the evening. Elena tossed and turned as she contemplated the upcoming meeting with Nate’s family. It mattered now more than ever. If they didn’t like her…
She shook her head, flopping onto her side. No, they would like her. They had to. She desperately wanted them to.
When she finally fell asleep, dreams of Julian bursting into the dinner to reveal her identity haunted her.
When morning arrived, she snuggled under the covers to watch the sun until it rose high into the sky.
A knock sounded at her door at mid-morning. “Your Highness?”
“Yes,” she answered, tossing the covers back.
Caroline poked her head into the room. “Are you ill?”
Elena shook her head as she rose. “No, just being a bit lazy. The truth I’m counting the hours until my outing today. I do hope they enjoy the gifts.”
“I’m certain they will. Now, let’s make certain you’re happy with your choices for your outfits.”
They spent the rest of the morning thinking and rethinking outfits for the day and enjoying a cup of tea before a knock finally sounded at the door.
Caroline pulled it open, finding the Kingsley’s driver waiting on the other side.
“Have fun,” her ladies’ maid said with a kiss to her cheek. “I will be awaiting news.”
Elena squeezed her hand before she adjusted her bag over her shoulder and stepped from the apartment. She chewed her lower lip, drumming her fingers against the leather seat as the driver whisked her to the Kingsley’s sprawling property on the outskirts of Sterling City.
Victoria met her at the front door as the driver opened her door, already clad in swimwear and a cover-up. “Hello, Ellie,” she said with a smile. “I’m so glad you could join us. Would you like to change into a swimsuit?”
“That would be lovely, yes,” Elena said. “Thank you so much for having me.”
“I’ll show you where, Ellie,” Maddie said as she bounced down the stairs.
“Oh, thank you,” Elena answered as Maddie threaded her arm through Elena’s and led her upstairs.
“You can leave your stuff in here while we’re at the pool,” Maddie said as she showed Elena into a room with an en-suite bathroom.