She blew out a breath as she continued to stare at the two men speaking at the table. “Can you read lips?”

“No, I cannot. And neither can you. Come along, let’s go back to the apartment, all right?”

Elena shook her head. “No. I want to speak with Julian after he’s finished with his game.”

“Oh, dear, that’s toying with fire.”

Elena shot her ladies’ maid a glare. “Heis the one toying with fire, Caroline.”

Caroline sucked in a breath as she eased her grip on Elena’s arm. Elena shifted her weight from foot to foot as the two men conversed. Frustration bubbled inside her as she fought the urge to storm straight to the table and put Julian in his place. But it would ruin everything. She did not want Nate to find out this way.

Finally, Julian rose, buttoning his jacket.

Elena’s heart thudded harder. “Let’s go before we’re caught.”

Caroline bobbed her head. “Yes.”

They hurried away from the restaurant, waiting around the corner.

Ellie gnawed her lower lip as she waited to see Julian. “I hope he comes this way.”

“This is the route to his hotel.”

“Yes, but what if–” Julian’s appearance interrupted her words. “There he goes.”


“Come along, Caroline. We need to have a discussion with my lovely cousin.”

“I cannot wait,” she answered as she hurried alongside her charge.

Elena stormed after her cousin, careful to keep a distance so they did not have their encounter in public.

The man strode down the sidewalk at a casual pace.

Elena grimaced at his attitude. “I cannot wait to confront him. Look at him so smarmy.”

Caroline nodded as she puffed for breath. “Yes, he does seem rather pleased with himself.”

“He won’t be for long,” she answered as the hotel came into sight.

Julian disappeared into the lobby, and Elena entered as he pressed the button for the elevator.

“You watch the floor, I’ll start up the stairs. Text me when the elevator stops,” Elena said to her ladies’ maid.


Elena didn’t stop as she headed for the stairway and pushed into it, starting up the stairs. Fueled by anger, she pounded up the steps until her phone chimed. She pulled it from her bag and checked.

Caroline’s message beamed from the screen, along with one from Nate. She checked Caroline’s first.Top floor.

“Of course,” Elena murmured with a sigh before she pushed herself to continue her climb.

She hurried up the next few levels, arriving on the top floor of the hotel in time to see a door clicking closed at the end of the hall. She narrowed her eyes at it. “That must be him,” she whispered to herself.

She tapped her virtual keyboard as she stormed toward the door.Got him. I’m heading to his room now.

The phone chimed before she reached his room.Wait for me!