“I’m looking forward to it. Safe travels, darling.”
“Love you, Ellie. Talk soon.”
“Love you, too.”
He ended the call and tossed the phone into his cupholder before he fired his engine and pulled from the space. He made the drive home, his mind unwinding after the day.
After he arrived at the house, he eased his car to a stop outside the front door, grabbed his briefcase, and pushed into the house.
A slow clap met him as he stepped inside.
His eyes adjusted to the dimmer light, finding Stephen stalking toward him. “Well, well, well,” his younger brother said, “look at you landing a royal.”
Nate’s jaw clenched as he slid his eyes closed. “What are you babbling about, Stephen?”
“Your big meeting with the Prince. It’s the talk of the office.”
Nate narrowed his eyes at his brother.
“Yeah, Melinda let the cat out of the bag. Everyone knows. What a man like that would be doing meeting with you is beyond me.”
Nate snorted a laugh as he shook his head. “Give it up, Stephen. He’s interested in investing in some of my projects.”
“Really? I wonder how interested he’d be once he knows what a screw-up you are?” Stephen tapped his chin in a mock display of thought.
“Would you really shoot GenoTech in the foot for a personal grudge?”
“I don’t need to do anything, Nate. Your own past speaks for itself. But if something hypothetically were to shine a light on some of the…less flattering aspects of your history, it could be enlightening for your royal friend.”
Nate dropped his briefcase on the floorbefore he closed the distance between him and his brother, his chest puffed as he raised his chin. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh, I just might. I’d love to have him invest in my projects, and this is the perfect way to do it.”
“You’re playing with fire, Stephen.”
Stephen came nose to nose with him, his lips pulled back into a snarl. “And you’re going to be the one who gets burned, Nate. You’re going to lose everything.”
Stephen spun on a heel, disappearing into the living room. Nate stared after him, his shaking fingers curling into fists. If his brother ruined this deal or anything else in his life, he’d do far worse to him. This wasn’t just a battle between brothers. This was a war.
Elena’s lips tugged into a deep frown as she wrinkled her nose, staring ahead at the scene unfolding. Her fingers curled into fists as her muscles stiffened.
“Your Highness,” Caroline whispered as she wrapped a hand around Elena’s arm. “We should leave.”
“No,” Elena growled through clenched teeth. “I will not leave.”
“But Your Highness–”
“No! Nathan could be in danger.”
“I don’t think Prince Julian is going to do anything untoward to him. He’s toying with him. We know that. But I do not believe he would harm him.”
Elena’s eyebrows knitted as her features pinched. “He could ruin everything.”
“I know, darling,” Caroline said as she slid a lock of hair behind Elena’s ear. “I know he could, but there is nothing we can do unless you plan to tell Mr. Kingsley the truth.”