“I know where he is staying. We shall wait there and hope to spot him. Then we can follow him and hopefully, get some damning evidence that can put him in his place.”
Caroline heaved a shaky sigh. “My fingers are crossed, Your Highness.”
They left the apartment behind, heading into the afternoon sun in search of Julian. Elena led them to the Grand Arms. “We’ll go inside and ring his room to find out if he is in.”
Caroline nodded as they pushed into the lobby. Elena crossed to the front desk and asked the attendant to ring Prince Julian’s room.
The man spoke a few words before he nodded and replaced the receiver on the cradle. “It appears His Highness is unavailable. Would you like to leave a message?”
“No, thank you. I will come back at a more convenient time for him.”
She spun on a heel and returned to Caroline across the lobby. “He’s out. And I’ll bet I know where. Come on.”
Elena grabbed her hand and tugged her ladies’ maid back onto the sidewalk. She hurried through thestreets to the museum. Breathless, they climbed the stairs, ducked inside, and paid their fee.
They wound through the halls toward the special exhibit room.
“The Crown Jewels,” Caroline said as they approached.
Elena nodded, stopping short of the room and inching closer before she peered around the corner. “There he is, just as I thought.”
Caroline narrowed her eyes. “Yes, oozing his special brand of charm over anyone who will listen.”
“Thankfully, he wasn’t here when Nathan and I came. I’m certain he would have done something to make it uncomfortable.”
Elena winced, stumbling back a few steps and shoving at Caroline. “Here he comes, go, go!”
They hurried into another gallery to hide as Julian strode from the room, grinning ear to ear as he rambled on about the line to the throne and how close he was to wearing that crown.
“Ugh, he makes me sick with his constant desire to sit on that throne,” Elena grumbled.
Caroline peered around the corner. “He’s heading toward the door. Yes, he does rather drone on about it, doesn’t he?”
“Incessantly.” Elena slipped through the doorway and hurried down the hall with Caroline in tow. They peeked into the next hall.
“He’s leaving.”
Elena bobbed her head as she grabbed Caroline’s hand. “Let’s follow.”
They hurried after the prince, keeping some distance between them until he reached a cafe. After speaking to the host, he was seated at a table on the sidewalk.
He leaned back in his chair after placing an order.
Elena shoved her ladies’ maid behind a set of hedges trimming the patio seating. “What is he doing?”
“It appears he is having a snack,” Caroline answered as they delivered tea and a croissant to the prince.
“Perhaps this will be our moment. Maybe he is meeting someone for nefarious purposes.” Elena readied her phone, zooming in on Julian.
The image blurred and the phone nearly flew out of her hands as a voice spoke her name behind her. Her heart hammered in her chest. She whipped around, eyes wide, to spot Nate.
“Ellie? What are you doing?”
Elena froze, her mind going blank. How was she going to explain this?