He shot Elena a triumphant glance before he tossed the next ball, knocking over the second stack.

She bit her lower lip, clasping her handsunder her chin as she offered him a smile. He tossed the last ball, downing all of the milk bottles.

Elena hopped in the air. “You did it!”

“Did you doubt me?” he asked as the man pulled the bear from its spot and handed it to Nate.

“Of course not,” she said as she accepted the bear from him, hugging it tightly to her chest. “And how is your masculinity? All patched up?”

“Yes,” he answered with a satisfied grin. “All better now.”

She smiled, admiring how the glow of the fair’s lights danced in Nate’s eyes. His laugh, carefree and genuine, coupled with the warmth of his hand, drew her to him. The feeling of belonging with him overwhelmed her, making her realize how deeply she’d fallen.

“Oh, I am so glad,” she said before he stole a kiss. “Now, what shall we do first? Is there a carousel?”

They meandered through the park, riding several of the rides. As they waited in line at the roller coaster, Nate tugged his phone from his pocket, his features pinching before he tapped on it and tucked it away.

“Everything okay?’

“Yeah,” he said with a grin that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Just fine.”

She leaned against him, allowing him to wrap his arm around her as they shuffled forward. They came off the coaster in a cloud of laughter before they moved on to a haunted house.

Elena wrinkled her nose at it. “Do you want to go inside?”

“Yes, why not?”

“It could be frightening. Look, the sign says it right here.”

He arched an eyebrow at her. “You’re not scared, are you?”

“Maybe a little. I’m a ‘fraidy cat, you know?”

“Are you?” He chuckled as he wrapped a protective arm around her. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Do you promise?” she asked as she allowed him to guide her to the line.

“I do. Stay close to me. I’ll make sure you’re okay.”

She tugged the bear tighter to her chest as she stared at the blood red lights decorating the outside and casting elongated shadows across the twilight. She lifted her shoulders higher as she bit her lower lip.

“If you’re really scared, we don’t have to go in, Ellie,” Nate said as he rubbed her arm.

She flicked her gaze from him back to the dark hole beckoning them to enter. “No, it’s okay.”

They stepped into the shadowy entrance, the world outside fading away, leaving them enveloped in a realm of whispering darkness and unseen threats.

The air was thick with anticipation. Each twist and turn of the narrow passageways brought them face to face with specters and scares that leapt from the shadows.

The disorienting halls made her head spin. She found his hand in the darkness, her grip tightening as shrieks filled the air around them.

He pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her. “I’ve got you. You’re okay.”

Before she could answer, a werewolf leapt out at them, causing her to scream before she rolled her eyes at herself. “Sorry,” she said as they hurried away from it toward the promise of the exit.

“It’s okay, almost out.”

They emerged into the night, the clamor of the fair greeting them again as the haunted house loomed behind them.