He crinkled his brow. “Ellie…you’re amazing. I just…imagined telling you I was a drunk after being engaged to that…woman, and you ending things.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you deservewaybetter than some former drunk who until recently had the worst taste in women, apparently.”
“She did have fairly bad taste in clothing, I will say that. But men never seem to care. But what are you on about with this nonsense of me deserving better?”
He chuckled at her statement as he pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “Oh, Ellie. You do. You’re amazing. You deserve the world.”
“You deserve wonderful things, too. You didn’t deserve what she did to you.”
Nate sucked in a breath. “I think the luckiest day of my life was meeting you.”
“Funny, I think the same thing,” she said before she leaptoff the bench. “Now, if you’re quite finished with all the dire news, perhaps we can take a spin on that carousel.”
His grin grew wider as he rose. “Let’s do that.”
They spent the rest of the evening enjoying each other’s company, the tension from earlier in the evening melting away. He dropped her at her apartment, ending the evening with a kiss.
“Hey, I have that work thing tomorrow night, so I will have the worst night ever without being able to see you.”
“Yes, I remember. I’ll miss you, too, but I’m only a text away.”
He smiled at her before he gave her another kiss. “I know. I’ll be texting you all night.”
“I look forward to it,” she said with a kiss on his cheek. “Good night.”
His fingers lingered on her hand before he finally let go and strode down the street. She pushed into her building and climbed to her apartment.
“And how was the date?” Caroline asked as Elena pushed into the apartment.
“Lovely, as always…for the most part.”
“For the most part? Are there cracks in the foundation?”
“No,” Elena said as she sank onto the couch next to her ladies’ maid. “Although a few things happened.”
Caroline arched an eyebrow. “Do tell.”
“Nathan confessed that he’s struggled in the past with some things. It doesn’t affect how I feel. But there’s something else.” Elena grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl on the coffee table. “I think I know who has been sending those threatening notes with the pictures.”
“Father called whilst I was at the museum with Nathan. Apparently, Julian is in town. Unsurprising since the Crown Jewels of Eldoria are being displayedat the museum.”
“Prince Julian is here with the Crown Jewels?”
“Likely not with them, though he’ll shove himself in as though he is. I’d bet my life he is the one creating the problems.”
“It’s a likely bet. You and he have a difficult relationship.”
Ellie munched on another piece of popcorn, her mind recalling their many battles. “That’s putting it mildly.”
“What do you plan to do?”
“Confront him. Tomorrow. I’m going to put a stop to this.”
Silence stretched between them before Caroline said, “Did you see the Crown Jewels?”