“Nonsense?” she exclaimed. “Those are fighting words, sir.”

“Yeah? Bring it. Americans have an excellent track record with the British.”

“That is a low blow, my dear,” she said as her phone rang. She tugged it from her purse, her nose wrinkling. “Ugh, I need to take this. Will you excuse me?”

“Of course,” he said with a kiss on her cheek.

She wandered a few steps away as she pressed her phone to her ear. He couldn’t help but notice the pinching of her features. He wondered if it was a difficult client as hereturned his gaze to the crown, wondering what it was like to be the person who wore it.

As he twisted to study the room’s other featured pieces, he caught sight of someone. His lips parted, and his breath caught in his throat. His heart hammered against his ribs, and his palms turned sweaty.

“Chloe,” he said, his voice just above a whisper.

Her lips tugged back into a smirky smile. “Hey, Nate.”

His heart tumbled as horrible memories raced through his mind, dancing around as they taunted him. His chest tightened, and his ability to speak flew out the window. Why on earth was she here?



Elena’s stomach twisted into a knot as she stared at the name lighting up her phone. Her heart thudded against her ribs, and her palms turned sweaty. She’d consistently received more threats about her behavior. Had her father finally had enough?

Her eyes flicked to the Crown Jewels in the case in front of her. Ironic her father, King of Eldoria, would call as she stared at the crown he wore on so many occasions in the past.

She flicked her gaze up to Nate, hoping he couldn’t read her consternation. “Ugh, I need to take this. Will you excuse me?”

He squeezed her shoulder before kissing her cheek. “Of course.”

She stepped away and swipedto answer the call. “Hello, Father.”

“Elena, hello,” her father’s deep voice greeted her. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

“No, of course not. I’m just…admiring some artwork at the museum.”

“I see. I hope you are faring well there. Mother and I miss you terribly.”

She lowered her gaze to the floor, her back still turned toward Nate. “I miss you both, too.”

“Perhaps we ought to discuss your homecoming.”

“No!” she said, her voice carrying too much emotion. She forced it back to a calmer state. “I mean to say, that isn’t necessary. The entire point of this excursion was for me to experience the world. And despite missing you both, I am having a lovely time here.”

“Well, I suppose that is excellent news.”

“I think so,” she said, holding her breath as she wondered if he had more to say.

“I must confess, I have another reason for my call.”

“Oh?” Elena asked, her heart ramping up.

“Your cousin, Julian, is in Stirling City. I thought it may be nice to see a familiar face. Perhaps you could have tea or lunch.”

Elena’s eyebrow arched at the words. “Is he? And how long is he here for?”

“He’s been for several weeks, I understand. I’ve only just learned of it. I believe he plans to stay for another week or so. If you haven’t the time–”

“Oh, no, no, for family I will make the time. Where is he staying? Do you know?” Everything became clear to her. The pictures of her with Nate, the threats, it all made sense.