He sucked in a breath, his nostrils flaring. “No. She’s the one good thing in my life right now.”

“So, you still like her? It’s been a few weeks.”

The frown deeply ingrained in his features twisted into a smile. “Yeah, I still like her.”

Maddie grinned at him and winked. “I think she still likes you, too.”

He tugged his chin back toward his chest. “How do you know that?”

She waved her phone in the air. “We may or may not have been texting.”

“You’re texting Ellie?” he asked.

“Yeah. It’s no big deal, right? I like her.”

“It’s fine, just…don’t say anything to anyone yet, okay? I just got into it with Stephen again. I don’t want anyone to know about her, okay?”

Maddie’s shoulders slumped as she frowned. “Again? I hate when you and Stephen fight. Why can’t you both just get along?”

“There’s way too much baggage between us, Maddie,” Nate answered as he spun to lean against the table, crossing his arms.

“But you’re brothers.”

“Barely,” Nate answered. He flicked his gaze to his sister before he pulled himself to stand and kissed her cheek. “Look, it’s never going to be like that between us, okay? I promise.”

She grinned at him. “Good. You heading to work?”

“Yep. You got plans today?”

“I might sit by the pool and do my nails or something. It’s summer break.”

“Have fun, Maddie.” He grabbed his briefcase from under the table and headed out the door.

As he climbed behind the wheel of his car, the conversation from the breakfast table replayed in his head. His jaw clenched as he tightened his grip around the leather steering wheel.

The accusations made by his brother burned through his mind along with the image of Stephen with Chloe in the park. By the time he pulled into his reserved parking space, he wanted to put his hand through a wall…or his brother’s face.

At these stress levels, less than a year ago he’d have sought solace with a few drinks. Now, he found it in his pocket. He slid his phone from his jacket and toggled it on, reading the last message from Ellie.Good morning, love. I hope your day is startingwith a smile.

He tapped his screen, typing a message back to her.Every time I look at this message, I smile.

He leaned back in the supple leather seat, letting his head fall against the headrest. His interactions with Ellie were so easy, so natural. And they gave him a level of comfort that had been unmatched in his life thus far.

His phone chimed, and he glanced at the screen.Well, I suppose that’s a start. How is your day otherwise?

He pounded against the virtual keyboard before he tapped the send key with his thumb.Not great. Any chance I can see you tonight?

He clutched the phone tightly to his chest, hoping she didn’t already have plans. When it chimed, he was almost afraid to look at it.Certainly. I actually was hoping you didn’t have plans. I have something special in mind.

The message erased any traces of tension from his jaw.Oh yeah? You’re planning this date, huh?

With his spirits lifted, he grabbed his briefcase and climbed from the car. Just the sight of her name lighting up his phone was enough to fracture the floor of his worst days, scattering them like shadows at dawn. And the added bonus of an impromptu date would have him sailing through his morning meetings and his afternoon reports.

After shutting his door behind him, he settled in at his desk with a stack of messages. The chime of his phone pulled him away from sorting through them.

He read the message from Ellie.I am. And I’m not going to tell you anything until we’re there.

“It’s like that, huh?” he murmured to himself, grinning as he typed back his response.Oh, really? How am I going to know where to meet you?